8 | Portal

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SO sorry to the late update! Things have been craaaazy busy for me, but I'll try to be more active on here again soon! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Thank you so much for 300,000 reads!!!

As usual, translations are at the bottom of the chapter :)

~ I'm everything you can't control ~

Kyros wasted no time bolting up the stairs and nearly ripped the door off it's hinges to get to Posie in time. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding at the sight before him. Though Posie looked terrified, she certainly wasn't in danger.

The boy gasped and whipped around to face his king. "Ni pot! Y'n ceh celli, Y jyujm'g noum- krouco jem'g pyura no."

Kyros sighed. King or not, he had no idea how to handle this situation. More people were finding out about Posie and it was a matter of time before everyone knew.

The boy that was the distraction trotted in behind Kyros and quickly scrambled over to stand by the other boy. "Y quyra jour quych iea gqueh rugol. Meh emo yc geh pmequ eh chyc. Amjolcgeeja?" Kyros ordered.

The kids nodded and galloped out of there before he could punish them.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, irritated and worried. With a sigh, he walked to the closet and knelt down to offer a clawed hand to Posie. "Safe now."

While she was hesitant, she swallowed hard and let him help her stand.

She passed by him and sat on the bed, her head in her hands. The boys.... They weren't like Kyros. They were tall, taller then her for such young kids, no older than ten. Their upper body was normal- human even, but the lower half was covered in fur, had four legs, and a tail.

They were centaurs. None of this made sense.

Kyros noticed her distress and cautiously sat on the bed next to her. "Posie okay?"

After a beat, she put down her hands and asked, "what were they?"

"Somgual." He answered.

Her eyebrows furrowed together as she picked up the book sitting next to her. She skimmed through the pages until she found "Centaur." The translation? "Somgual." She wasn't crazy. Griffins and centaurs were real here. They meant the same thing here as they did on earth.

"Kyros...." She began. "Who gave you this book?"

While it was easier for him to understand English then speak it, he didn't always pick up on everything. His eyebrow quirked, confused.

She picked up the book and said, "where book from?" She asked with some hand gestures so he'd understand.

"From... there." He pointed out the window.

She walked to the window and he followed. He pointed again at the sky.

The sky? She searched the book for the word 'sky' to confirm, and when he saw his translation, he nodded.

A book doesn't just fall from the sky.

She groaned in frustration, the conversation feeling like it was coming to a dead end once again. It would always end up this way until he learned more English.

"Where Kyros from?" She asked him.

"S.... Sk-hi?" He said in more of a question.

"Sky?" She assumed.

"Sky." He confirmed.

"Does everything just fall from the freaking sky here!?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in defeat. "Were you a baby?"

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