19 | Newlyweds

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I am SHOCKED the variety of countries y'all are reading this from! Nigeria, Philippines, the Netherlands, so many different places! That is honestly so cool. I don't know why I assumed I'd have more readers from the United States lol.

If you haven't told me what country you're reading from yet, I'd love to know! Thank you for your support! It's amazing that I have readers literally from around the world! I appreciate every single one of you!

And thank you for 319,000 reads!!! Here's an early update! Please don't forget to check out my newest book "Lycanthrope" as well!


Sweat drenched Posie's skin as she baked in the hot sun, waiting for Kyros to come back with their food. For a moment, she debated stripping and going swimming first, but now she was hesitant. Maybe if she was quick enough, she could strip and get the water in time before Kyros could get back.

As quick as she could, she undressed herself, when a voice called, "Posie!"

She didn't know if it was habit or instinct, but she quickly grabbed the nearest piece of material she could find- her shirt, and quickly pressed it against her exposed body. She didn't know why she was suddenly self conscious, he's seen her naked before, and she was comfortable in her skin.

They swam and bathed in front of each other often, but ever since last night.... Not having clothes on suddenly made her feel more vulnerable. The other times they stripped in front of each other were "innocent" and they claimed neither of them would peek at each other.

But she didn't anticipate this moment so she felt defenseless. "Hey," she cleared her throat. "I didn't see you coming."

He crossed his tree trunk for arms over his chest, his heated gaze not so subtly eyeing her up and down. "I thought we were going to eat first."

He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her waist, the only thing separating them was her thin tshirt she held against her. He smiled at her, and the look in his eyes made her think about dropping her shirt.

He brushed a stand of hair away from her face and for a moment, she was breathless, not sure what to say.
"Well... I changed my mind...." the words slowly died in her mouth as he ducked his head, drawing closer.

He whispered her name and closed the gap, gently pressing his lips to hers. His kisses started to trail down from her lips, to her jaw, to her neck, leaving a trial of sparks wherever his lips touched.

Suddenly she forgot why she was even holding the shirt.
She didn't even know when it fell to the ground.

Her arms raised in attempt to wrap them around his shoulders, but the best she could reach was to just place her hands up there. Her fingertips traveled down his scaled neck and chest, enjoying the feeling of the rough texture under her touch, the way his muscles twitched and relaxed under her fingers.

He tilted her face up, his hand caught somewhere behind her neck and base of her jaw, and the kiss grew heated. He pulled her firmer against him, making her gasp.

He pulled back just enough to murmur against her lips, "ready?"


He wasted no time sweeping her off her feet and made a mad dash into the water. She screeched his name, but it was cut off when she was submerged under the water. When they resurfaced, she narrowed her eyes and glared at him.... At which he returned with a sheepish smile.

She huffed, not able to stay mad at him, and instead splashed him. His growing grin said it all. Big. Mistake.

Before she could get away, a whole tsunami came at her from his splash, and she ducked under the water to get away.

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