Chapter 11: The Fated Day

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It's been a few days since Bruce and Winter have been added to what is now a group with Thalia and Nyxen. Winter and Nyxen are packing up supplies as Bruce and Thalia talk about what they were going to do with the community out in town. "All I'm sayin Lia, is that this is crazy talk. Takin down a tower by trippin it n' just shootin it?!" Thalia sighs in aggrevation before she spoke, "I think that too but it's the best shot we got. We need to save the explosives for clearing that tanker out of the way. This camp won't be safe anymore after this."

Winter shakes her head hearing the two bicker. "They fight like a married couple already. Only been three days." Nyxen chuckles at her statement. He zips up the backpack that was full of ammo, food, and drinks to be ready to do this. "Man, I hope this works or there's going to be hell for us from the Mayor." Soon enough they heard a whistle sound out from behind them. All four of them turn around to see Mayor and ten people from her community. It was now time to head into town as the group with the community, to help get rid of a common enemy.

It takes a few hours of them walking through the woods to reach the town, Thalia nods to Mayor in signal to begin. The community run off to the left to get behind the tower, while Thalia and them went off to the right to make the distraction and trip it. "Alright, you're up Nyx and Winter. Be safe you two." Thalia says to them as the two young ones walk out into the street. Winter picks up an empty tin can that once had food in it and throws it at the tower with all her might. The can hits it in the leg but it doesn't seem to get its attention. "Hey you big fucking jackass! Look at this sexy piece of meat right here!" Winter rolls her eyes and shakes her head at Nyxen, but it did get the tower's attention. Meanwhile, Bruce and Thalia had moved through the town over to a tow truck.

Bruce was taking the hook attached to the winch and runs inside of a bar across the street. Once inside, he looks for somethig to attach the hook to and be able to hold itself to trip something as big as the tower. Thalia calls out to him, "Hey, they're making their way with the tower Bruce! Hurry the hell up!" He grumbles and finds a really wide pole that was there to hold up the roof structure, wrapping around it and clips it on the wire rope. Bruce sprints out of the bar and gets across the street with Thalia, once there the two run from the area. Winter and Nxyen see them run, Nyxen hits the lever for the winch to start pulling the rope back to the reciever and roll it up. The tower gets drawn to the loud noise the tow truck was making with the winch going, which gives the four time to get in a safe area.

The community joins them as the tower trips over the wire rope, it falling to the ground. The ground shakes violently when the tower had hit the ground, like an earthquake. This didn't stop them from running towards it and start shooting the tower in the face and head. Bruce could tell by his second clip from his rifle, that this wasn't working and the tower was starting to get up. "To hell with this! It ain't workin n' we're gonna be dead 'fore long." He quickly grabs a dynamite stick from Thalia's bag, lights the wick on it with his Zippo lighter, and tosses it towards the tower. The stick of dynamite lands in the right eye socket, the tower not seeming to be bothered by it landing in its eye socket. After a few more seconds, the dynamite explodes. The tower actually groans with pain which shocks everyone, while they use their hands to cover their ears. "Hey! Shoot it some more! The damn thing feels pain!" Mayor calls out as they resume shooting the tower, emptying more rounds into the tower's skull.

The tower continues to yell in pain as Bruce throws another lit dynamite stick as it slides into a hole in its head. Bruce grabs Winter by the arm and rushes them to behind a building as the dynamite explodes. This causing the tower to be blown back a little and fall on top of the bar, which crushes the building. Blood and brain matter covering the area and everyone. Bruce peaks arond the corner of the building he hid with Winter and watches the tower, like everyone else was. "Looks like that took care of the sum' bitch!" Though, Thalia didn't share his assessment. "REALLY BRUCE?! WE NEEDED THOSE TO CLEAR THE WAY!" The Mayor walks herself to get between the two of them before speaking, "Look, it was a dumb decision but the thing is dead and all this noise will definitely attract some unwanted attention. Let us worry abou that and the truck obstacle when we get out of this alive." Thalia just sighs in an angry tone before she walks off, Nyxen following behind her to try and get her to calm down. Winter and Bruce head in the same direction as those two while the community head back to their living area in the woods.

They manage to catch up to Nyxen and Thalia, the four stopping in front of the trailer park where Nyxen had first ran into trouble. How this whole plan had came to fruition was him coming here. "Look, the truck is not on it's side Thalia. We can shoot the gas cap on the side of the damn thing and it should blow up right?! If not there is another way out of the town that we can find back to the path we want to take." Thalia just puts her hand up, looking over at him with a fierce glare. Nyxen just didn't speak again, giving her space and time for a moment. "We ain't got time to be all pissy. We need to take care of that truck n' get the hell on outta here! Stay here all ya want, but I'm hittin the road." Winter wanted to stay cause she loved being in a group rather than just her and Bruce. Though, she walks away with him and lets out a small huff of breath.

Winter and Bruce began walking through the trailer park, heading to the big rig truck at the edge of town. "Why did we leave them behind Bruce? Go back and apologize or something! I like being with them." Her voice faded some on that last sentence. She really liked Nyxen and Thalia and being in a group together. It felt safer to have more people around and to have someone to talk to about womanhood among everything else.

Bruce let's out a small sigh, knowing he couldn't say no to her. "Yeah Snowflake. We can go back to 'em and I guess apologize." She smiles at those words as they turn around to head back to Nyxen and Thalia, only for them to be just two trailers back. Once Thalia and Nyxen catch up to them, Thalia was first to speak before Bruce could get a word out of his mouth. "You fucked us over using those dynamite sticks on the tower. Even if it saved us we still could've just ran and left the tower. That was the plan if everything failed. Just know, if you ever pull that type of shit again, a bullet is going between your eyes after I scalp that fucking head of yours." Nyxen just walks along, taking Winter with him, with a hand to try and cover the side of his face like it'd make him invisible.

Bruce chuckles at Thalia's version of an apology. "Fine, but I'll call out anymore crazy ideas that'll end up gettin us killed. Cause we won't be doin that shit again." Thalia nods as if she was saying okay and walks past Bruce. She catches up with the other two, Bruce now making his way to catch up with the group. They all walk through the trailer park together for a few more minutes until they arrive to the edge of town with the big rig blocking their exit. They all nod to each other as Thalia lifts her AR-15 up, aiming down the sights, her finger slowly going on the trigger and squeezes it as she lines the sights up on the gas cap. The bullet bursts out the barrel of the AR and soars through the air as if this was happening in slow motion. It was only seconds as the truck bursts into an explosion which causes a loud sound. The group waits a little bit to look for a better opening in the explosion. Bruce points out a spot on the left side and they rush forward before any zombies catch up. Leaving behind their camp site, this town, and the community.

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