47| Death wish

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My hands feel clammy as I force myself to turn away. It's hasn't even been three days, and Tyler is already busy reacquainting himself with old friends. Not that I should be surprised – isn't this what I've always worried about? That sooner or later, I'd become an old friend too.

"What's your poison, Rox?"

I glance at Niko, sick to my stomach, and say, "Something strong," before turning to Vanessa, who isn't behind me like I'd expected but over in the corner talking to some guy.

Niko looks over just as she laughs and his eyes flash with something protective. "Who's she talking to?"

"No idea." Without meaning to, my gaze gravitates back toward Tyler, whose eyes have found mine. My heart flips, the same way it does when I race down a hill: a mix of fear and pure adrenaline. He gets to his feet, pushing past the brunette like he's about to walk over, but then Sam beats him to it.

"And don't we look cozy," Sam says as Niko hands me a drink, "I see you've moved on quick." He nods across the bar to Tyler before wiggling his eyebrows. "Looks like Ty's already back to his old ways, too. Probably for the best."

I down the contents of my glass and try not to wince. As much as it pains me to think it, he's right. It didn't take Tyler long to find his latest conquest, which means he's either moved on quick or he never really cared to begin with.

Niko must notice the hurt in my expression because he narrows his eyes at Sam. "How about you do us all a favor," he says, "and go and play in the traffic."

Sam ignores him and turns to me as I flag down the bartender. "I have a proposition for you, darlin'."

"Oh god," I say, "please no."

He laughs like I'm joking, which only makes it worse. "Don't be like that. It's one you're going to like, I promise."

"I doubt that." When the bartender comes over, I ignore the wave of nausea taking over and order two more shots. If I have to endure the rest of this night, it's not going to be sober.

"You need a trainer," Sam says. His eyebrow arches as I down both my shots, but one glare from me stops him from commenting. Instead, he leans in closer and adds, "I'm happy to do it free of charge."

I blink once, then twice. The idea of Sam training me makes me want to vomit. "Hard no."

"Hey, you might not like me," he says, "but you need me. Riding the next few weeks without a trainer is a mistake that'll cost you in the tournament, and it's not like you have a lot of options right now."

He's right, but this is not something I'm ready to admit to yet. "Thanks," I say, "but I'd rather ride alone than with you."

"Fine," he says, stepping back, but he's wearing the look of someone who has not been deterred. "You change your mind, you let me know."

As soon as he leaves, Niko tells me to ignore him and drags me over to a pool table. I don't much feel like pretending to be happy, but my pride stops me from leaving. If Tyler is hellbent on having fun tonight, then so will I.

I chalk up my cue while Niko sets up, risking a look in Tyler's direction. He's leaning against the bar watching me, and if I didn't know better, I'd think he was jealous; my petty side hopes that I'm right.

"You break," Niko says, so I turn to the table and aim, managing to pocket a few of the balls. Niko grins, clearly impressed, and takes the next shot.

"So, no sign of Alex yet," I say, but he's barely even listening. He's too busy watching Vanessa and her friend in the corner. "If she turns up, are you going to ask her out?"

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