Chapter Six

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The Wolf understood

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The Wolf understood. The princess's expression on the battlefield had been merciless, and now he understood why. He should have recognised the hatred in her eyes. He had seen it in his mother's face often when she'd looked upon him.

He wondered what Helia would do if she knew how he'd come to exist in the world. And if she discovered his origins, would she would look at him like that way too?

It had been a coincidence he'd been that night. That the shadows and spectres that tormented his dreams had kept him from sleeping, had sent him striding past her door. To see the blood on her neck and her own ghosts reflecting from her eyes. Helia burned so brightly, to see her shine dimmed caused an ache inside him. His berserker soul raged. It wanted to tear the pitiful prince apart with its own bare hands. The man wanted to see Helia burn him alive, watch her come alive as her flames scorched the life from his body.

Every night since, he'd stalked the halls religiously. The guard who'd failed to keep Erric locked in his room that night would never have the chance to fail or take a breath again. Underestimating the power of the Chrysos twins had been a mistake. He would not make it again.

The fiery torches did little to fight off the dark. Velvet shadows greeted him down every corner of the keep. He didn't mind. His eyes, berserker eyes, adjusted easily to the dark. Preferred it even to the harsh truths of daylight. The heavy clump of his boots echoed brutally in the silence.

He wasn't the only warrior observing these halls. Agna walked towards him. When she saw him in the dark, she scowled. Her expressive face always had the power to make him smile.

"We have others for this. Do you have nothing better to do than play night watchman?"

He chuckled, and Agna shook her head.

"Sit in that grand, soft chair, look important and grow fat? Fuck some of these pretty Cresia girls to pass the time?" He teased, but Agna smirked.

"Any Cresia girl?"

He laughed. The wolf had known Agna too well and too long to lie. He resumed his walk, and Agna changed direction to step alongside him.

"She's dangerous. Do not be distracted by a pretty face and a sharp tongue." Agna's face turned serious, her mouth grim.

"Have I ever before?"

"Constantly", she quipped, and he chuckled again. "But she's not a farmer's daughter or a servant girl. She's a Chrysos. And she's no fool. She will exploit you if you let her."

As they turned a corner, Agna exhaled.

"There are whisperings, discontent among the warriors."

His body tensed. He knew what was coming. Agna stopped walking and looked up at him, her sharp eyes pinning him down.

"I want the Emerald fields back as much as you. That land could change the lives of our people, but... is this really the way? We belong on the battlefield, not... locking merchants and farmers in dungeons."

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