Chapter Ten

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Helia woke softly

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Helia woke softly. Not forced into waking by the red-eyed terrors that slithered through her nightmares, or the horrors she faced when waking. But from a genuine, peaceful slumber, the kind she hadn't experienced since she was a small child, before those who were supposed to love her, became the horrors in the dark.

She had slept better than she ever had, and it was with a demon by her side. With the scent of him on her body, and the echo of his touch on her skin.

Helia lifted her head from the pillow. The balmy heat of the room warmed the bare skin of her back. She curled herself back into the pillow, as contented and indulged as a cat.

She watched him as he stood by the fire, his face serious as stared hard into the flames. The wolf's chest was bare. It stirred memories of how the hard lines of his chest felt under her hands. The heat of his body beneath his fingertips. She shivered but then smiled.

"I've never known anyone to have such a sweet tooth."

He chuckled, almost choking on the fruit he had between his lips. He turned and smiled at her, his eyes raking over her bare skin with a wolfish gaze. She arched her back, preening for him. There was a lightness about him, an ease that didn't come naturally to her, but she felt herself lean into it. She enjoyed making him smile. She enjoyed how he made her smile.

"You were sleeping so deeply, I couldn't bring myself to wake you."

She smiled, and she made herself comfortable once more. Watched as his gaze returned thoughtfully to the fire.

"What are they?"

He turned, his eyes seeking hers. The fire drew out the golden sparks buried in his dark gaze.

"Your markings. You all have them, but they're all different. What do they mean?"

His smile widened, and he walked over to the bed. Sinking beside her, she began to twist but a hand went to her spine, keeping her on her stomach. His eyes mesmerised by her bare skin, he laid a knuckle down her spine and she didn't try and swallow the pleasured moan as it left her lips, she shifted slightly, twisting her head for a better view. His body draped across the bed.

"When we come of age, there's a ritual, conducted in front of the whole clan. You choose two gods, one male and one female. Two gods to look over you, to watch you, guide you through your life. The pain of these markings, your blood drawn, is your payment for their attention."

Her fingers dragged across his slick skin, following the inky path. As intricate and telling as any of her maps. He watched her lazily.

"Who are your gods?" Her voice was husky. He was too close to keep her thoughts from fracturing. He lifted her hand from his chest, pulling her fingers into his mouth, dragging them across his sharp teeth.

"This god...." He placed her damp fingers on an image even she could determine. A wolf. "Is Vigar, the god of warriors and iron. And this..." he moved her hand to the other side of his body and chuckled. "And this... this is Aurora, the goddess of fire."

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