3 | every step of the way

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so it's all new to me
—how i witnessed
a life get rebuilt
over again
i realized after decades
of solitude
that love is a choice
—to live, to chase pieces
of ourselves—
is a choice
and not one we make
at the flick of an eyelid
or at the snap of our fingers
—it is something we make
every day, every second
—every step of the way

so it's all new to me
how I would rebuild a house
somebody else tore down
how I would grow flowers
on a field devoid of warmth
for so long
i realized after a few miles
of walking with you
on this journey
that to paint our home
with forgiveness and joy
to brave a chasm despite
the most painful fall
is a choice

so it's all new to me
—but i have chosen
and will continue to choose—
to stay with you where we stand
to hold your hand through
a thousand earthquakes
we will live through
to make a history of choices
against the course
every day, every second
love, it's all new to me
but i'll say it now
and forever more

i will choose you
every step of the way

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