• Chapter I •

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THE SCENE BEGAN in a place with ancient structures filled with different merchandise and wooden stalls. The sound of loud footsteps and a boys laughter echoed. Shouts were heard calling for the boy. Uncaring, the boy ran gleefully until he crash landed on another boy in black cloak.

The boy looked up and stared at the other through piercing green eyes.

"Woah." Ron gasped looking at the boy laying in the ground. " You look just like him,Harry."

Harry tilted his head to the side and stared at what seem to be his younger version."I guess thats my pasts self."

"Prince Athanasios!" Soldiers called out after him and the boy cussed. Grabbing the green eyed boy and ran forward.

"Wait!" The boy gasped." Where are you taking me? Why are you taking me? Who are you?"

The boy laughed as the wind blew through his golden blonde hair."You ask a lot of question dont you? I'm Athanasios, pleased to meet you!"

"Like Prince Athanasios?" The dark haired boy asked in confusion."Why are we running away then?"

"The palace was boring. I wanted to go on an adventure!" Athanasios laughed freely." Ah, crap, their close..."

Athanasios ran faster dragging the other boy with him, who sighed as he muttered under his breath."Invisique."

It felt like cold slime ran through the both of them. Athanasios gasped as he stared at his invisible body. The boy grabbed both of his hands and before Athanasios knew it,they were gliding on the sky.

"Do you think you can do that, Harry?" Hermione asked with wide eyes.

"I dont think so." Harry shrugged looking at the pair of flying boys.

"It would be cool though." Susan Bones, a Hufflepuff commented.

And sound of agreement echoed through the hall.

The boy lead them on an empty field, the invisibilty spell shimmered and faded out once they touched the ground.

"Amazing." Athanasios whispered.


The prince tackled the boy in the ground, trapping him within his arms, and brought their faces, eyes wide and sparkling blue." That was amazing! Are you a mage by any chance? Is that what you did? Magick? Who are you by the way?!"

The boys face was as read as a tomato as he stared at the young prince who was still leaning way too close." He- Heroides! My name is Heroides! And yes I did do magick. Yes I am a mage although I'm still not that advanced and I'm only an apprentice. My master brought me here to study healing magick."

Heroides answered very swiftly looking around at sonething else besides the blonde who was still way too close to him.

"Is that your golden prince?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

He didnt move his eyes away from Athanasios, seemingly mesmerised from the sight." Yeah. Thats him."

I knew you once. I loved you more. His heart seemed to whisper. You were half of my soul.

There was a look of contemplation on Athanasios face as he stared deeply in his eyes. Sapphire blue eyes met emerald green. "How long are you staying here then?"

Heroides shrugged." For as long as my master wishes it, I suppose."

Athanasios hummed and rolled up to sit beside him. Heroides gave a relieved sigh. He had been way to close to him and he had never had a companion before. Only his master and was definetly not used to close contact.

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