Chapter 32

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That night, I walked into my room feeling as if something was different. I couldn't quite figure out what that meant, but I could feel that something had changed in the air, something that would change my life and the way that I viewed the world around me.

Excitement and nerves danced in my chest while I looked around, trying to figure out what had changed and if this had to deal with the "other" people watching me, those that were not in the trees.

I rubbed my stomach before I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and to wash the day away before I went to bed. I wasn't feeling that bad while I took off my clothes and was relieved because I didn't want to go to bed feeling sick because I knew that I would be feeling it in the morning if I did.

I started the shower and got in, ignoring the fact that it was cold before it turned to a temperature that I was happy with, and sighed with relief.

Unlike normal, where I stand, or sit, in the shower and contemplate life, sing, and whatever the hell I wanted to do, I took a quick shower, feeling the urgency in the air as if it was my own.

The urgency in the air started to make it harder and harder for me to breathe while I showered, so it was a relief when I stopped the shower and scrambled out of the tub, barely toppling over in my rush to get out.

"Goddess," I gasped out while I leaned against the wall conjoined to the tub with my eyes half closed and leaning my head against it. "What is wrong with me tonight?"

I moved a hand through my hair and shook my head before I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off, again going much quicker than I would normally do.

"Oh, would you let up?" I all but snapped into nothingness. "I know that you want me to hurry, but Goddess, geez, do you have to make me rush so much that I'd almost hurt myself?"

The feeling lifted until I could finally breathe and finish drying off in peace.

"Goddess me," I seethed and wrapped myself with the towel before I made my way to the sink so that I could get the rest of my night stuff done before I got dressed.

Like the shower, I did go faster than I normally would, skipping blow drying my hair altogether and deciding to let it dry naturally instead.

Still fully annoyed, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw eyes of gold traced with specks of gray and sighed in annoyance while I moved a hand through my hair and shook my head.

"I gotta learn how to control this shit," I mumbled and closed my eyes to try and focus. "What if my eyes turn gold in front of the wrong person? Shit is going to hit the fan if that happens."

I took a deep breath and let it out, but I was still annoyed and knew that my eyes were still gold. I growled lowly and gritted my teeth before I grabbed my necklace with the wolf's eye and took a deep breath while the necklace was in my hand.

Slowly, I started to calm down, letting everything out while I breathed in and out, in and out. I focused on nothing except for the cool metal piece in my hands that sometimes seemed to have a heartbeat of its own, steadily beating against my tight grasp.

I opened my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that they were not gold nor traced with any gold but were instead my normal gray eyes that held a look of old wisdom in them.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and released the necklace. "Thank Goddess," I said and flexed my fingers because I had held it so tight in my grasp. "That was painful."

Shaking my head, I finished what I needed to do and exited the bathroom with no injuries.

I paused and looked at my stuffed bunny that was seated on a well made bed and dipped my chin closer to my chest. "Hmmm," I said and walked over to the bunny, not caring that I was only in a towel.

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