Chapter 56

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I sat on the wall again and swung my legs back and forth while I waited for Bryson to get to school, ignoring all of the side glances that came my way.

You'd think they'd be used to this by now, I thought and pursed my lips in annoyance while I moved a hand through my hair. There is no need to stare at me like this. I am not bothering anyone at all, nor am I doing anything but sitting here.

"Hey, Cass," someone said to my left and behind me. "How are you today?"

I turned my head around to see who it was and grinned when I saw that it was Yaz, who looked nervous for some reason. "Hello, Yaz," I said and nodded in hello. "How are you?"

She smiled nervously and flicked her eyes to her brother, who was somewhere to my left before she looked at me. "Good," she said hesitantly. "You?"

I grimaced and shrugged before I moved over a bit so that she could sit beside me. "I've been better," I admitted while I dipped my head closer to my chest. "I can't wait for this day to be over with."

Yaz hesitated and walked closer to me. She looked at the wall before she looked at me but didn't sit down. "The day hasn't even started yet. Why do you want it to be done already?" she asked, silently begging me not to ask about why she wasn't sitting on the wall.

I shrugged again and grimaced. "I wish I knew, but I don't," I replied, honestly. "I just know that I get this way every so often." I sighed and moved a hand through my hair while I shook my head. "I'd rather skip today than go to school, but Charlie and my parents would get mad at me and more worried if I did."

"And where would you go?" she asked, and I shrugged, nonchalant.

"Probably hide in the woods somewhere or do something else," I replied. I pursed my lips in annoyance. "But I can't do it because Charlie will get mad at me." I rolled my eyes and scowled, annoyed. "And he'll make me do a fuck ton more work than normal."

Yaz bit back a small chuckle and slowly nodded. "You already do a lot more work than us; don't you?" she asked and raised an eyebrow, and I nodded in confirmation.

She cocked her head and studied me while she leaned on the wall and folded her arms across her chest. "Why?"

I glanced at our position and frowned, not into the fact that she was a little nearer to her brother than me. "Here, swap sides with me," I said and grabbed her shirt before I started to gently tug her over to the other side.

"What? Why?" Yaz asked but moved with the tug while I shifted so that I was in between her and her brother. She looked shocked and confused, but she didn't look at her brother when he growled softly.

I didn't respond and shook my head, silently indicating that I wouldn't tell her, and she pursed her lips in annoyance but didn't question it. "Because he knows that I will get super bored if I don't and will do random things that'll distract others," I said instead. "If I knew where he lived, then I would go there, but I don't, which reminds me..."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Charlie a text that asked, where do you live?

"Reminds you... what?" Yaz asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I need to see where he lives and how far he is from my house," I replied.

My phone buzzed as soon as Charlie answered, why?

Because I don't know where you live? I sent back with a raised eyebrow emoji. So, where do you live?

"Why?" Yaz asked.

"Because he is my emergency contact," I replied and shrugged. "If anything bad happens at home, or if I need to get out of the house for a bit, I'd normally go to either his house or my friends. However, since I can't go to my friends' house..." I shrugged again and grimaced, my heart aching.

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