Chapter 6

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Dusik Hanh. The man name is Dusik Hanh

He was a professional in an unknown occupation. One day, he saved a child from an unknown disaster at the cost of his leg. He did not regret losing the leg at the time, he was bound to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life and was unable to perform his job, which led to his firing and his wife and son leaving him.

Also one of my favorite characters.

"I.." Hyunsu started to speak, but Dusik raised his finger to his lips signaling us, not to talk. Hyunsu and I nodded.

He reached for something inside and pulled out a big notepad with a few words written on it.
"THEY MIGHT COME IF THEY HEAR US." the note said. "THOSE THINGS DON'T DIE." he nodded his head downwards.

We looked down and saw a body with a long neck was wiggling wildly on the ground. The neck looked like the rope-looking neck which was connected to the eyeball. It's the body of the eyeball. 

The neck has stopped moving but the body was slowly standing up and the neck popped off from the joint. It started walking away leaving the neck motionless on the ground.

"APPA!" the scream of the children made our hairs stand on the end.

Hyunsu nudged me and I looked at Duskin again, this time holding another note.


I glanced towards Hyunsu then looked at Duskin again. He started flipping the page and writing the words. "IF YOU MAKE A CALL AND LEAVE THE PHONE ON, IT'LL MAKE A NOISE WHEN A MONSTER IS NEAR YOU." 

He flipped the page again. "COME WHEN YOUR MIND IS MADE UP I'M ON 1408."

We nodded and headed inside.

I went towards the eyeball monster and tried to pull out my sword.

"What are you doing?" Hyunsu asked.

"We need to save the kids," I stated.

"I know but what will we use for protection?" He questioned. "You have a sword but I don't have anything."

Without looking at him, I grabbed the mopstick and reached for a knife from one of the cabinets. After I wrapped the knife tightly I offered it to him.

"What's this?" He inquired.

"A weapon?"

He gulped and took it, "We are really gonna do this."

"They don't deserve to be alone."

They are too young for this heartbreak.

I pulled out my phone and connected my earphones, dialed a random number, putting one side of the earphone in my ear.

I looked at Hyunsu and nodded, "Let's go."

Hyunsu stepped forward, the spear in his hands, and opened the door. It was quiet in the hallway.

I pulled out my sword and held it in front of me in a defensive manner. It's only a few feet away, so we walked faster. 

Hyunsu was leading the way while I was at the back in case someone or something tried to attack us. If a monster comes it'll still be at an advantage.

"We're here," Hyunsu announced. I looked at the door to see he was right.


It's time to save those kids.

Hyunsu knocked on the door and quietly went inside. I followed him and sheathed my sword.

We stood at the doorstep awkwardly. The encounter with the eyeball has definitely shaken me but I have to remind myself that it is gone.

"I'm Han Dusik." A voice said. I looked forward to finding the source of it.

Sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a thin beanie over his brown hair and a brown vest over a dirty green shirt was Duskin.

Even though I've already seen it, I'm still in shock at what surrounds the room. Different hardware was scattered everywhere, wires on the table and weapons here and there.

This is a nice place for someone like my brother who is a maniac when it comes to experimenting with new devices.

The thought quickly turned grim when I remembered I won't be able to see him again.

"And you are?" Duskin asked.

"I'm Park Seohyun," I answered.

I nudged Hyunsu when he didn't answer.

"I'm Cha Hyunsu." He replied after a moment.

The man stared at us and a little longer at Hyunsu.

"A slow speaker."  the man stated.

"How...can we save the kids?" Hyunsu asked, stuttering a bit.

"What do you mean how? both of you have to go." 

Hyunsu must have looked confused because the man sighed and wheeled himself into our view.

He gestured to his legs, "Should I go?"

He saved us while not being able to walk.

He is what I call a hero.

I shook my head as an answer.

"I used to be a legend in Chenggyecheon." He said with a small smile. "You know how you can get a tank made there if you make a blueprint?"

I smirked, grabbed my sword and the spear from Hyunsu, and stepped forward but Hyunsu, who was startled held me back.

"What are you doing?" He asked for the second time today, sweat visible from his face.

I put the sword and the spear in front of the table and pulled a napkin from my bag and threw it at him.

"Wipe your face you dirty animal," I said jokingly.

After he wiped his face, I said to him, "He's trying to say that he can turn our weapons into something more useful." Then pointed towards the crutch-looking gun with the knife part of the spear. "Just like that."

"We have a fast thinker right here," Duskin whispered to me and I winked at him.

Then he started to examine both our weapons and gave us a look which says 'this is what you call a weapon?'

"We had no time to make better ones," I explained.

"It's okay, go sit over there, I'll make quick work of this." He pointed at the space on his left side.

Hyunsu and I walked timidly to the spot he pointed.

while scanning the room, I was awed for the second time. There were traces of conducting trials with different hardware connected to normal stuff.

I stood up and looked at what seemed to be still in progress.

"I'd be careful, you might get electrocuted," Duskin called out.

I looked back, "Yeah I noticed the disconnected wires from some ports were added on the side." I told him.

"You know your stuff." He commented.

"Oh, actually no, it's my brother. He loves fiddling with wires and experimenting with stuff. When he talks about it, I caught a few things." I explained. "But his room wasn't this bad," I added with a smile.

He gave me a comforting smile and went back to his work.

I badly wanted to watch him but I couldn't leave a big baby alone with his thoughts.

I sat down next to him and tapped his shoulder. "What do you think?"

"Of Mr.Han? He's okay, a bit rude for calling me a slow speaker." He answered.

"That's because you are." I teased.

"Hey! At least I don't have a random sword in my bag." He teased back.

"That was for self-defense!" I spoke.

We continued to tease for a few minutes, calmed down, and went silent.

"Do you think we'll be able to make it?" He asked suddenly.

I looked at him, who had a defeated look on his face. "Yes, yes we will."

"I wonder what the girl is doing?" He muttered but I heard it.

I grinned knowing who he was talking about but still decided to tease him.

"Girl? Are you having a crush right now? When there are monsters roamin-"

"She's not my crush!" He whisper-yelled at me.

"You can't fool anyone, I can see you going red." I poked fun at him.

"That's because it's hot in here."

"Yeah, su-" i was interuppted.

"It's done." Duskin gestured to the weapon.

Now that was fast.

Hyunsu's spear has multiple wires connected to a device that has a lightning blue color.

My weapon had nails attached to the blade and wires that connected to a small device on the rim of the handle. Same as Hyunsu's.

"Hey," Duskin called. He was looking at Hyunsu who was looking at a picture frame on Duskin's table.


He's a hero after all.

Duskin pressed a button on Hyunsu's weapon and electricity suddenly surrounds the knife. He did the same to mine and it too emitted the same electricity.

This man is a genius.

"They'll still move around with their heads chopped off. A kitchen knife won't work, but this will do." he pointed at the improved weapons.

"Can we kill them with this?" Hyunsu asked who has become braver and more admirable than before.

"No you can't," he answered.

"How do you know that?" Hyunsu is doing all the talking now.

"I just do. Avoid them at all cost, both of you," he told us. "If you come across them, run for your live-no don't get caught in the first place." He added grimly.

Now that's understandable.

Hyunsu's hand extended and pointed towards Duskin's weapon.

"Then please lend us that gun." He requested.

"No. It isn't stable so it can only fire a few shots." He explained, gesturing to the gun.

"I fired earlier. I'll fire again if it breaks in. The last one is for me." He pointed to himself. "So I can go easy." He added with a sad smile.

"It's best if you both go now and save those frightened kids."

Hyunsu and I nodded and went towards the door.

I went in front of Hyunsu and turned the knob

But I couldn't move.

Hyunsu put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

Taking a deep breath I opened the door.

Let's do this.

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