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Chapter 6

As soon as I wake up, I want nothing more than to fall straight back into my slumber. I bury myself further under the blanket, fighting off the frozen air of the house now that the fire has fizzled down to nothing, but the pounding of my head doesn't let me drift away again. Water and food. That's what would make me feel better.

Throwing the blanket away from my face with a huff, I notice that only Landon is here, sitting cross-legged on the floor while watching Jinx lick himself clean. Landon hears my grunt as I prop myself up on an elbow and he smirks at my state.

"Someone was tired," he teases.

I give him a half-hearted smile, running a hand through my tangled hair. "Where are the others?"

"They had to go," he tells me. "Usually I'm up at six helping out on the farm, but I got a free morning."

My half-closed eyes linger on him for a moment. He smiles charmingly as Jinx moves closer to him, swishing his tail and sniffing Landon's hand. There's something very sweet about the way they interact, it makes me forget about how weird it is to have a guy in my new manor house who I've barely known for ten hours.

At least I'm living a bit more, I guess.

"Can you make pancakes?" I ask him.

Landon chuckles. "I can make a whole lot of good breakfast foods. You look like you need it."

I roll my eyes at him, not one ounce of me able to feel irritation towards him. "I think you owe it to me after making me drink so much last night, creep."

He laughs as he stands to his feet, stretching out his stiff limbs, before heading out of the room. I lift Jinx into my arms, reassured by his presence as always, before hurrying after Landon. After the events of last night, although my memory is slightly hazy after the alcohol intake, I'd much rather not be left alone right now.

When we make it to the kitchen downstairs, I notice that it's a lovely day outside. The rising sun sparkles through the gaps of the trees and graces the variety of wildflowers blossoming outside in the garden. Back home, my view would mostly consist of grey. Grey houses, grey people, grey cars travelling along a grey road.

There's no doubt about it. Matthew Harrington saved my life, making it a whole lot brighter in the process.

"Is it pancakes you want?" Landon asks, bringing me back into the room.

"I don't mind," I say, placing Jinx onto the floor so he can go and eat his own breakfast from his bowl. "There's should be some bacon in the fridge. I don't know. I need to go shopping."

He pulls open the fridge, pulling something out and chucking it onto the table. "There is bacon," he says as he does so. "But, yes, you really do need to go shopping. There are some actual supermarkets about a twenty minute drive away, but most people here buy stuff from the farm shops. It always tastes better when it's organic."

"Organic means expensive, right?" I ask. I jump up to sit on one of the stools surrounding the kitchen island. I still can't believe I own a kitchen like this. I've never enjoyed cooking before, but maybe the space and appliances that I spent hours cleaning yesterday will give me some inspiration.

Landon turns to look at me inquisitively as he starts to make the food. "If you can afford to live in this place then surely you can afford more organic food. All of it comes from the farms around here, including my own."

"I inherited this house," I remind him. "And the bills and maintenance are being paid by the Harrington's money. I don't actually... have a lot to my name."

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