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Chapter 16

"Thank you," I say, taking the hot drink that Landon hands me. He gives me a small smile and sits beside me at the kitchen island, sipping at his own.

We came back from the graveyard before it got too dark. We were there for a long time, Landon holding me to reality as I sobbed my heart out, grieving the loss of my family sixteen years too late. I still haven't been able to process it all and I know that healing will take it's time, but there's no sign of Landon leaving me. There's something very comforting about that.

The tears have managed to stop, leaving a sort of numbness in the pit of my stomach. I really don't know where to go from here. There's no way I can stay in this house, seeing my mother hang herself over and over while knowing my siblings are here too. I have to go somewhere else, leave this house and it's terrible history to be abandoned again. Landon's offered for me to move in with him and his father on the farm and honestly it might be an offer I'm willing to take.

The connection between Landon and I makes so much more sense to me now. We knew each other as very young kids and were best friends until my siblings were killed and my own father tried to murder me, too. He already knew so much about me and wanted us to become close again, and I'm more than willing to do so.

"I called Dad. He doesn't mind me staying with you again tonight," Landon tells me. "I figured you wouldn't want to be alone."

I shake my head, watching as the steam floats from my drink. I hate relying on Landon as I've been so independent my entire life, but there's a part of me that wants to be able to rely on someone for once. Maybe it's time for someone to take care of me for a bit, only until I sort myself out.

"I hope you don't mind me telling you everything. I probably shouldn't have but I think it's about time you knew," Landon continues.

"No, it's okay," I say, my voice rough from all the crying. "I'm glad you told me. I just... it'll take me some time."

He places a reassuring hand on my thigh and admittedly I melt a little inside. "That's okay. We'll work on it. I'm just so glad to have you back."

I rest my head on his shoulder and let him comfort me. It feels so good.

Then there's a knock at the door.

Landon and I exchange a confused look.

"Are you expecting anyone?" he asks.

I shake my head. "I don't--" I'm cut off by three more knocks on the door.

Landon gets up from the stool, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. "I'll get it."

I drink some more of the tea, hoping the warm liquid soothes my sadness and anxiety for just a few moments. It only works a little, before Landon walks back into the room.

There's an all-too familiar man behind him, and he's holding a gun to Landon's head.

Matthew Harrington.

"No!" I cry, running to Landon's side. I stand slightly in front of him, as if I could take the bullet that Matthew might be about to fire. "You are not taking anyone else from me."

Matthew's eyes light up in surprise and his lips curl up into a sickening smirk. "Oh. So you've figured it out."

While I was crying earlier, a final realisation crossed my mind. I lived here in Windchime manor as a child. This has been Matthew's house since before I was born, in 1992. I was born in 2000, then Matthew moves out of this house in 2006, six years after I was born.

Matthew Harrington is my father. The father I was told died in a car accident that gave me amnesia.

"You need to leave," I say desperately. Landon's hand gently wraps around my arm, trying to pull me back behind him. I don't let him move me. "We're getting out of here soon and we won't be back. I know what you've done. Please just... leave us alone."

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