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Days started rolling with Kushi totally involved herself in the case. She has collected enough proofs and submitted in the court today. And the whole family was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment.

Kushi was waiting in the court when the Judge passed by.

Kushi stood up saluting him.

Judge - So finally...... You got the judgement you wanted.

Kushi smiled - Sir that's what I always want. Criminals to be punished. Either hook or by crook.......

Judge - You know you are speaking with a judge right ?

Kushi - Definitely Sir.

Judge chuckled - Honestly saying, I was so disturbed when this case came up. But as soon as you took charge, I know you will end him up in jail.

Kushi - Sir..... The victim was very much mishandled. Her parents were threatened.......

Judge sighed - I don't know where this nation is leading to. Domestic violence..... I am very disappointed.

Kushi stood silent......

Judge - Iam speaking with my Wife. I will ask her to provide awareness to college going students. It's very necessary to seed the thought in their mind.

Kushi smiled - You are using your NGO wife at free sir.....

Judge laughed - Iam using my wife to clean at least half of the society.

Kushi chuckled.

Judge - Waise...... When are you giving us a chance to attend your wedding ?

Kushi suddenly got remembered of Arnav.

Ashmitha's parents came near her - Thank you so much Beta. I really lost all my hope. Thanks for punishing my Daughter's culprit. Thank you so much.

Kushi and the judge smiled.

Kushi - No need to thank me. It's my duty. Please contact me if you need any help in future.

The elders smiled and went away.

Judge saw kushi and patted her head- Iam hoping to see you all successful in your professional and personal life. Take care ok.

Kushi nodded and saluted him again.

The public prosecutor gave statement to Press and the judgement became the talk of town. Kushi and her team's image was all over the news praising her.

It was night -

Kushi was lying on her bed ready to sleep when her mobile started buzzing all of a sudden. She picked her mobile to see Arnav's number flashing on the screen. She frowned and attended the call.

Kushi - Hello....

Arnav - Hi.... How are you ?

Kushi - Good....

Arnav - I want to meet you now......

Kushi frowned - Why ?

Arnav - Something important Kushi. I need to discuss with you.

Kushi sighed - Fine. Where should I come ?

Arnav - Where else to hill top only.

Kushi - Ok. Iam coming.

Arnav smiled - Thanks.

Kushi cut the call and got ready in her track and shirt along with a sweat shirt. After informing her father about her non-existing important work she started to hill top.

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