Chapter 40

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Mahogany turned to Tony and handed him the manila envelope. "I can't have these here in case the police come back. Please take them. They need to be added to the murder wall."

Tony took the envelope. "Let's all head over there now, drop these off, and then go to the police station and see if we can't spring Neema."

Mahogany and Evelina nodded. They cleaned up the ice cream and tucked Bazgul into his cat tree.

"You'll be safe inside," Mahogany said, kissing the demon spider on the head. "Do not, for any reason, go outside. Neema's spell only protects you while you're inside the house."

Bazgul gave a weak nod, rested his head on the carpeted platform of the cat tree, and closed his eight eyes.

Mahogany gave Bazgul a quick look before following Tony and Evelina out the door, locking it behind her.

"I wish I could bring him along, but he's too weak," Mahogany said.

Evelina placed an arm around Mahogany's shoulders and pulled her close. "Neema's spell has kept him safe this long. It will do for another night while we're out solving these murders. He's over the worst of the poison now. He needs rest."

Mahogany nodded against Evelina's shoulder. "I know. I hate to leave him."

They got to Tony's and gave the photo of the murderer and the printed articles a quick once over as they hung them strategically on the murder wall.

"See anything new?" Mahogany asked as Tony pushed the last pin into the wall.

Evelina shook her head. "Maybe we need to go back to the brownstone and take another look around? Perhaps the murderer left something behind that would only make sense to Folk that the police overlooked."

"Could do," Mahogany said. "Before we do that, let's see when they might release Neema."

They pulled into a small lot for visitors across the street from the station and filed out of Tony's car.

"Hey, Guy. Would you mind checking on Neema? You have free access to the building," Mahogany said.

Guy nodded. "My pleasure. Be back in two shakes," he said, using Neema's expression.

They crossed the street to inquire with the officer on the desk about Neema as Guy disappeared through the wall.

"Hello, there, Sargent Block," Evelina said, her best smile lighting her face.

"Why, if it isn't the Coffee Queen!" Sargent Block said, his ample belly evidence of his love of Hot Brews's sweets and treats. "What brings a lovely lady like you into a place like this?"

Evelina blushed on cue and smiled demurely. "Stop it," she said, and she and the Sargent shared a mutual laugh over a private joke. "I'm here on a mission," Evelina said, tossing her smile aside. Her eyes narrowed, and she leaned towards the protective glass separating the public from the rest of the police station and lowered her voice. "My friend was brought in for questioning in a murder, if you can believe that."

Sargent Block's gaze darted to Tony and Mahogany standing behind Evelina. The golden-haired fairy maneuvered herself between the Sargent's line of vision and her friends, redirecting his gaze to her violet eyes.

The Sargent blinked, her eyes going soft as she peered at Evelina.

"Her name is Neema. You wouldn't happen to know when she's getting out of here?" Evelina said, her eyelashes fluttered briefly.

It was Sargent Block's turn to blush. "Well, being stuck here on the desk, I don't get much information about questioning suspects. It's above my pay grade."

The Girl with the Uninvited Ghost: Pandemonium Cozy Mystery #1Where stories live. Discover now