A Much Needed Rest

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I walked into the large room with wooden walls and a long wooden table that looked like the wood was dark glass. The king sat at the head of the table and his family seemed to just vanish.  Desben stood beside me when the king turned and smiled. "I hear you both have been in the dark for good reason" He stated. "Your majesty, if I am allowed the answers, I will gladly welcome them" Desben said in a deep voice. "I requested to speak with you both to settle your minds" The king replied. "Please sit"

               I took a seat a couple seats down from the King and Desben took a seat on the other side of the table. The chairs were the most comfortable seats I had ever sat in. I possibly had the thought from the exhaustion brought upon myself with all the running to and fro. The King nodded at us and addressed Desben first. "I understand you were forced to bring in a very strange person into my castle without reason. I thank you for making the right decision and delivering her unharmed" He said. Desben bowed his head.

               "Sarah, I was informed that Jareth brought you back from the Aboveground to us. I've heard the stories of your mother and what she took. I believe now that you were conceived from the crystal, that you now hold the power of the crystal" The King said. Desben shifted in his chair uncomfortably and looked at me funny. "Yes sir, the stories of my mother are true. I am still unaware of the extent of Kilton's knowledge on the matter. When he took me he attempted to convince me to be his queen. I escaped by discovering my mother's secret about the crystal. I was able to get away with my life but gained a very heavy and painful problem" I said lifting up my hands.  The King studied my wrists intently and let out a breath. "You've sure gotten yourself a problem" He muttered.

               "Sir, if you are aware of any remedy, I'd be very grateful" I said with hope, but the Kings facial expression said otherwise. "I regret to say that the only way to rid yourself of Kilton's bind is to either get him to lift it, or figure out a way to overcome him. My wife and I were aware of Kilton's intentions of the Underground well before he attacked" He said. "If you don't mind my asking, why was he not stopped before he destroyed the labyrinth?" I asked. "I had multiple reasons as to why I shouldn't get in Kilton's way. One of the reasons was for you to be brought back. I know of your run of the labyrinth and it was very impressive and another would be for Jareth to discover his true place. Other reasons cannot be given at this time, but soon enough they will be uncovered" The King looked from me to Desben.

               "I require your services of being a head in the army. If you accept, I will grant you your latest request of me" The King informed Desben and his eyes lifted with the very direct statement. "It would be an honor to serve you; I would serve you even if it was worth nothing. I would like to talk privately with you about these matters and my intentions on the dilemma at hand" He said. "As you wish" The King stated with a thin smile on his lips.

               "Sarah, you have stressed much and I expect from your journey you have become weak and need rest" The King said standing in his chair. Desben and I followed in his movement. "My wife will escort you to where you may rest and tomorrow I will speak more with you about your role in our fight in the Underground. Desben, I will speak with you about our first works towards the war at hand. I believe it is inevitable at this point" The King held out his arm for me to take and when I did he escorted me to the fireplace behind his chair. He tapped a stone and a door opened. Behind the door was the Kings wife. She smiled to the king before taking me gently by the wrist. I turned back once more to see Desben staring after me curiously with his hands behind his back and chin up. The door to the Kings meeting room swung closed, cutting off my vision of them both.

               My gaze turned from the King to the Queen and she smiled tightly to me. "Let's get you presentable" She said leading me down a hallway much like the larger one leading to the throne room but smaller. Her shoes tapped onto the ground created a rhythm that made me want to fall asleep. "I would offer you something to aid you in resting, but you look completely put out. So tired and worn out from such a long journey" She said sympathizing and putting the back of her hand to my cheek. I nodded, thankful for her attempt to help but embarrassed at how bad I must look.

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora