Walking on Clouds

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 My body, faced down, lay in the center of a stone, round, open, white marble room. Columns reached into the air and twisted to a gorgeous tip above me. I lifted my surprisingly light head and looked out. The room rested in a beautiful nowhere. The room seemed to be sitting on clouds. White, puffy clouds with grey tinted edges extended as far as I could see. The world was silent and the air held a certain calmness that makes your entire body feel as though it were floating.  

               Slowly, I lifted myself off the floor and rose to my feet. The sound of my bare feet walking to the edge echoed to the top of the room. My eyes drifted down to look at the dress cascading down my body. The strapless blush gown clung to my chest. Beautiful cream colored lace covered the top until a simple blush belt wrapped around the dress and tied into a small bow in the back letting the excess material fall to the floor. The lace from the bodice flowed under the sides of the belt a couple inches on either side of my hips. From the belt, the dress flowed out towards the floor with lace like on the top. The lace covered the end of the dress and came upwards into just spots of lace half way up the skirts. Blush lace fell over two inches of my hair as a small headband, holding back the front of my wavy, brown hair.

               I looked from the beautiful gown outwards across the clouds. My feet carried me over to lean on one of the seven columns. I bit my lip as my toes teased the soft clouds. Without a second thought, I pressed my weight on the foot that extended over the edge of the room. I took another step out and I was standing on the clouds. It felt like my feet were walking over the softest pillow. Excitement filled me as began to walk and then run over the clouds. The flow of the clouds moved like fog, scattering as I ran through them. I twirled in a circle trying to see where to go but nothing came into view.

               A soft melody floated throughout the vast expanse and I hummed along with it. My body swayed to the enticing melody. I turned slowly when a soft pink petal grazed my cheek and left a warm feeling in its place. The marble room I had stepped from now held the strongest tree I'd ever seen. Its thick roots dug into the marble allowing its large trunk to hold firm as it extending towards the ceiling. There was no branch not completely covered in light pink blossoms. Even though the wind was nonexistent, some of the petals swirled off the tree and came towards me. I held my breath as they approached.

               The petals encircled me and when they began to move back towards the room, I followed them. I lifted my finger to touch one of the petals as they danced around. I stepped into the room and smiled as I watched the petals flow around the room. I swayed with the eerily beautiful melody and walked to the tree. Its sound pulled at me and I moved to its hypnotic beat. My eyes glazed over as I twirled around the room and back out to the clouds.

               I turned this way and that in a one sided dance. The clouds moved under my feet like a moving thunderstorm. Fear rose within me as I tried to stop the pull the music had over me. The fear was diminished as the beat grew deeper and its hold grew stronger whispering in my ear sweet nothings. Its voice tickled my ear and moved over my body calming me instantly. My eyes drifted closed as I accepted the beat and let it wash over me. Letting go of my last bit of self security, I was immersed into its hypnotic sense.

               I was so sound that the arms wrapping around my from the back didn't faze me. They swayed with my body and I melted into the embrace. Slowly, I moved to turn around and the arms were connected with a body. The guy held my hands and pulled me towards him. He twirled me in a circle and my dress flared out slightly.  He caressed my cheek as I was drawn towards him. We walked to the room and he pulled me in a dance. We carried our steps beautifully. My bare feet moved over the petal covered ground as my dress spun around my legs gracefully.

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