58- ᴅᴏᴄᴜᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ

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ATHENA SAT with Luna, planning what they were going to do that evening in the Cullen house's living room. They were long overdue an evening hangout and had been saying they would go after Luna's birthday celebration thing with Alice was over. They talked about that for a while, then changed to a subject that had both of them laughing uncontrollably. Then Luna had to run off with Rosalie, helping her with something that Athena didn't know since they had talked mostly in gestures. So she remained on the sofa, scrawling little thoughts into her journal and doodling in some of the margins - she drifted towards flowers for doodles mostly. Jasper leant over the back of the sofa, putting his face next to hers as he whispered, "I have a present for you."

"Seriously?" she grinned, excitement running through her veins as she turned to face him.He nodded and hopped over the back of the sofa, sitting down next to her as he passed her an unopened envelope. She took it with a thankful smile and turned it over in her hand, raising a brow at the words written on the front." From the office of J.Jenks?" she queried, reading the inked stamp on the very top corner of the envelope. As an explanation from Jasper did not occur, she opened the envelope and pulled out the single thing inside it. She smiled widely, looking back up at him with joy pouring from her eyes, "A driver's licence."

"Now you won't be late places," he grinned jokingly, though she could not see the hilarity in such a topic.

She rolled her eyes instantly, "I'm not that slow of a driver!"

"Yes, you are!"Luna called from the other side of the room, having been the main person that suffered the consequences of her slow driving as she always drove them to into the city for their little bar and club outings.

"Hey!" Athena exclaimed, turning in the direction that Luna was. " Now I'm not driving later."

"Awh come on! Test out the new license? Might be able to go above human speed now," Luna responded as she walked into the room, chuckling at her own joke.

Athena raised a brow at the idea of going over the speed limit with the windows down, music playing from the stereo as the sun went down. They always left when it was just about falling from the horizon, the best part of the sunsets. "Alright fine, but you're buying me a book for that comment," she smirked.

"I owe you like four books now," Luna sighed, rummaging through a box on one of the tables in the living room.

"I'm aware, pay up Lu," she chuckled with the smirk still pressed on her face. Luna proceed to roll her eyes as she walked out of the room, shoes clacking against the floorboards with the force of her annoying footsteps. "Thank you," she smiled as she turned her attention back to Jasper, kissing his lips briefly. She raised a brow, turning the license over in her hand, "How'd you get the picture though?"

"Asked Billy," he shrugged, watching her reaction intently.

She sat there with wide eyes, processing what he had said for too many times to count. "Hang on a minute, rewind. You talked to Billy? Like talked talked to him? And asked him for something, which he gave you?" she paused, voice showing greater levels of surprise and confusion as time went on. "And he has one of my old passport pictures?"

"Yes, yes and yes - after a little convincing," he answered, smile falling by the time he got to the last answer."And I thought you knew that?"

"Oh shoot yeah, I used to send him all my faked documents for safekeeping," she muttered, rubbing her temple softly with her fingers. She felt it weird that she had momentarily forgotten all about that and the fact that Billy hadn't mentioned it before. "Back when I used to do them myself."

"Adding forgery to your list of crimes."

"Says you!" she laughed, waving the forged documentation in his face. "It was easier years ago, just forge someone's signature and you're good to go," she shrugged, looking down to the license once again. She hadn't had any form of id for at least forty years. She bit back a smile again, heart physically warmed by the gesture, "This is really sweet of you. Thank you, seriously."

He smiled, happy to have made her so happy. "You're welcome darling," he whispered before closing the gap between their faces, kissing her rather passionately as he ran his fingers against the skin of her cheek - tracing the tiny freckles that dotted her face without even having to look.

Luna walked into the room and turned back around, exclaiming, "Jesus! Be right back while I go throw up!"

"Oh shove off Lu, I literally saw you and Alice making out in the garden the other day,"

She stopped in her tracks, refusing to look anyone in the room in the eye. She would be a deep shade of red if she still had blood in her cheeks that could flush. "Another book?" she asked quietly.

"Two," Athena wagered, fighting the urge to smile. She heard the quiet laughter coming from Jasper which did not help her case at all.


She chuckled, "Would you like me to paint a picture of the very brief thing that I saw?"

"No!" she exclaimed a little too quickly. "Two's fine," she continued and Athena smiled softly - looking forward to picking out her new novels to add to the collection that was already bursting at the seams.

And Athena got those books that following night and a couple more that she had seen and wanted desperately - those she paid for herself. She walked out of that bookstore with fifteen books in her arms and the biggest smile on her face. 

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now