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MORE PEOPLE had turned up at the Cullen house, prepared to witness the rarity of Renesmee's birth in person in a verbal (hopefully) battle against the Volturi. Bella had been told about Luna, Alice and Jasper's sudden disappearance and broke the news to Athena in - she would admit- a rather polite and considerate way of doing so. She came to her house, so they were alone and gave her all the information that she knew with a comforting smile and tone. Athena acted the best that she could, being disappointed and shocked when she should have been and quiet when Bella discussed her thoughts with her. She never uttered a word of knowledge about their disappearance private to it occurring, even though she didn't know anything more than she did about the situation.

With the increased number of vampires turning up, more and more younger members of the wolf pack began to turn in the forest. Jake must have forgotten to tell them about Athena as she was attacked by a rather stubborn wolf on the edge of the reservation before going to Billy's. Which of course was forgiven but only when matched with the promise that he would not do the same thing again.

But with the new guests, came some news that the Cullen Clan were not prepared for in any way shape or form. So a meeting to discuss this sudden change in the looming battle occurred. "When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving some sort of crime," one of the Vampires who Athena hadn't quite gotten the name of yet, began the meeting. "It happens so rarely, I never realised it was a pattern."

"This is all about Alice," Edward replied, a look of blind fury hidden behind his eyes."Or possibly-" Athena snapped into his head, cutting off his speech within seconds.

"Don't Edward," she whispered into his mind, letting go of her grip on his mind. "I don't want all these people knowing."

Emmett, probably knowing what they were looking at each other so intensely about, took the conversation in another direction, "Why does he need witnesses?"

"To spread the word that justice has been served," another vampire, she thought to go by the name Alister, brought up - weird for him as he didn't usually say a single word. "After he slaugters an entire coven."

"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving," Amun interrupted as he strode across the room, giving Benjamin a look that sent an anger flow through Athena's veins.

"And where will you go?" she piped up, looking directly at him instead of the spot on the sofa that she was sitting on. "There's nothing stopping them coming after Benjamin next. Or anyone really."

"Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition," Edward added then his expression turned serious, looking around the room at all the people present. "Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live. "

Silence followed Edward's grand speech, tens of minds turning in deep thought as they considered the risk against their lives. "The packs will fight," Jake broke the silence, standing as he continued, "We've never been afraid of vampires."

After that, many voices followed all agreeing to be on the good side. A side that would finally show people going against the Volturi was possible. "We'll join you," Benjamin agreed after conjuring with Tia for a moment.

"No," Amun immediately disagreed, looking at him with betrayal written on his brow.

"I will do the right thing, Amun," Benjamin replied, not seeing Athena's prideful smile as he continued."You may do as you please."


"Proud of you for finally standing up to Amun," she chuckled softly as she, Tia and Benjamin walked through the forest, going on one of their daily talking strolls.

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt