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JESSIE NOTICED the looks that she was receiving from everyone. You're fucking our boss was in their eyes. She ignored it, and chatted with everyone that wasn't busy in the practice. As for Brenda, she wouldn't look Jessie in the eyes. Rachel and Raina were sipping on coffee, and looking at Jessie with amusement in their eyes. Did Brenda tell everyone that quickly?

"I just can't believe that you and Doctor Isles," Raina giggled, "it's none of my business actually."

Jessie shrugged, "we're dating, it's no big deal."

Cara walked up and nudged Rachel's arm, "I always knew she'd get a divorce, but I didn't think she'd start dating so soon after," Cara said.

Jessie frowned. She didn't want to hear anyone's criticisms, "things happen. She told me that Harold still asks about me, what's that about?" Jessie asked.

Rachel pursed her lips, "he still thinks he's got a shot, I guess. I can't wait for him to find out about you two. It'll be so funny."

At that same time, Harold walked past them. And when he noticed Jessie, he grinned, "Jessie, you're here to shadow me again?"

Jessie wanted to roll her eyes. He took too much pride in that, "actually, I'm visiting Marilyn."

Harold arched his brow, "she's in with a patient, but I can tell her that you're here," Harold said.

"No need. I'm just waiting on her to get off of work. I'm cooking for her tonight," Jessie tilted her head to the side, wondering if Harold got the hint yet. He seemed to be confused, and hadn't put the pieces together.

"You two have become good friends, huh?"

Jessie shrugged, "very good friends," she grinned and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Raina, Rachel, and Cara, giggled, looking at the conversation unfold.

"So are you dating anyone? I know this really good Chinese restaurant. I'll take you there sometime."

That was blunt of him. He knew that Jessie was a lesbian, yet he insisted on asking her out, "I'm actually going on a date tonight," Jessie said.

"But I thought that you're..." it seemed to finally click when his jaw dropped, "oh, shit. I didn't know that you two are—"

"Have been for a few weeks," Jessie confirmed and he stepped back.

"I have a patient," Harold walked off, embarrassed. And all the girls burst into fits of laughter.

"WHAT IS it that you want to talk about?" Doctor Stevenson fixed her glasses on the bridge of her nose, noticing Jessie's smile.

"My mom just told me that it was her choice to give up my daughter for adoption when I was fifteen, even though I've blamed my father for the last fourteen years."

Doctor Stevenson was surprised. Jessie had revealed more to her in ten seconds than the fifteen minutes that they'd spent together the last time, "are you angry at her?"

Jessie nodded. Of course, she was, "my daughter died in a house fire ten years ago. If I hadn't given her up for adoption, she'd still be alive," Jessie leaned back. It wasn't that difficult to say it anymore. It hurt, but it was bearable.

"I see. And you blame yourself for that?"

"I do. I only recently found out, that's why I've been so out of it."

Doctor Stevenson leaned forward, "you seem different now, what's changed?"

Jessie smiled weakly, "I'm in love with someone," Jessie rubbed the back of her neck with a sigh, "she numbs the pain when I'm with her."

"So you're allowing love into your heart. Do you have any doubts, or fears?"

"Lots. But it's hard not to want to be with her. I've tried not to want her, but when she kisses me, it's like the entire world fades away, and it's just me and her," Jessie's heart fluttered thinking about Marilyn. Damn, I'm head over heels.

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