chapter •1

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"Mrs. Jeon has a very low chance of survival, Jungkook, you need to deposit the surgery fees as soon as possible," tears rolled down Jungkook's eyes after listening to the doctor's blunt words.

   His mother.. was on her deathbed and would die if his broken ass didn't arrange the money soon.

   Moving to sit on the vacant seat lined out of the doors of the room, he slumped down the chair, waves of exhaustion tearing his limbs apart, he couldn't feel them anymore.

  Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and the gloom that reflected in his moisturized eyes. Was there any end to this misery? Surely there was but he didn't want to think about it, his mom was his priority right now.

  He had done everything, worked his ass off until he couldn't move, done every kind of job to make the money for two years, day and night, seperated from all of his friends, the love of his life, gave up on his University, his dreams, everything, and worked off to pay bills, unending debts.

   Being heartbroken by everything, crying to sleep, weekend till mornings, anguish was the prominent feeling that has filled him for all these years, and yet this time was so appropriate for his body to be at it's breaking point only when his mother was…

   No, he thought and got up, staggering he made his way out of the hospital, he was sick of being there. He needed some fresh air, just some moments of blankness. He was sure he could get out of his state once again like he always did, until his vision blurred, and he could hear his own heart beat getting louder by every second, everything else fading in the background.


Today was pretty okay for Taehyung, it was Sunday and he decided to take a stroll through the park, or maybe visit his cousin who was admitted to the nearby hospital because of his injured leg, it was a choice because every other day his cousin made news in his household of getting into small accidents on the road.

   Yes, he was a drunkard, a terrible one, used to abuse anyone whom he came across when he got up in the morning, and Taehyung was obliged to visit him every time just to confirm that he was alive.

   He put up his hoodie and wore some sweatpants, strolling through the park was a nicer option though but he wanted to just make sure if that jerk was doing alright, he would just catch a sneak-peek and then get out quickly.

  Locking his front door, he got out of the apartment building and strode towards the hospital, twenty minutes from his where he lived, apparently that bastard had the guts to telegram Taehyung his location, knowing damn well that Taehyung would care enough and he wasn't that wrong.

  The breeze was nice, it was quite a busy atmosphere acknowledging that it was Sunday and most of the families planned trips to the parks or just the local café, it was refreshing to see every color, colorful world, in Taehyung's eyes.

   After some minutes of walking, he had arrived at the hospital, the building's glasses gleamed against the sunlight, too bright, and there was some sort of commotion there.

  Curious, he went near and heard some murmurings that a young man had passed out, pushing past what would have been ten people, he saw a figure in a black hoodie and gray sweatpants, laying on the floor. And the crowd was well, just watching and gossiping amongst themselves.

   Some people had gone to call for help in the hospital but no one had bothered to actually pick the guy up and rush to the hospital and that's what he did the next second.

  Hurriedly he picked the heavy figure, probably the weight was too heavy due to no motion, yes that guy has definitely fainted and oh god it was too hot.

  He half ran and half dragged the figure into the hospital, the boy's face was covered by the hood of his hoodie. Taehyung dragged him until a few staff members rushed to help him.

  "What happened to him?" Asked one of the staff members while transferring the weight of the fainted boy from Taehyung's shoulder to his own, "he passed out I think in front of the hospital."

  Taehyung's stomach lurched when he got a glimpse of the boy's face when they were laying the boy on the trolley, can't be.. it can't be..

   "Jungkook?"Taehyung choked out, panic running through his body, as he ran after the trolley that was being taken to the nearby ward.

   His heartbeat seemed to have stopped when he saw the face of the boy, the little scar on his cheeks a confirmation that he was whom Taehyung didn't even want him to be.

  The boy who was being injected with the IV, whom the doctors were examining now, looked so pale, so dead, and so lifeless, how could he be Jungkook?

  Taehyung couldn't believe it, he refused, tears were coming out of his eyes, his nose had gone red, and his stomach was churning in dirty knots.

  "What's your relationship with this guy?" He felt a hand on his right shoulder, he turned towards his right, unable to comprehend any of this,"i--,"he had never been so confused in his life,"I'm one of his friends." Friends? Weren't they lovers?

  "It seems like the exhaustion has taken over him completely and he had fainted, he had used all of his strength."

  Strength, exhaustion? What was happening? What was the doctor saying? Where was Taehyung? It was like he had been hit on by a truck.

  He just nodded.

  "He'll be alright in a few weeks," the doctor patted his shoulder and left.

   He hadn't been able to focus when he found himself paying Jeongguk's hospital bills and signing his signature at the guardian's section.

  Everything was happening so fast, he was unable to make any sense. When did Jeongguk become like this? He had just come to check his cousin, what was all of this?


Taehyung entered Jeongguk's ward, where more than ten beds were lined up in a row, the hall accommodated slightly ill patients fairly well, he had forgotten about his cousin. He needed answers, but first he wanted to make sure Jeongguk was doing alright, and what was with the exhaustion and all the stuff the doctor had talked about.

   Why so suddenly Jeongguk had shown up in his life? And like this..

   Jeongguk wasn't conscious, Taehyung could see the IV dripping, this was surreal, he never once thought that if he ever was to see Jeongguk again, he would see him like this, in this state.

   Taehyung went around the bed and sat on one of the chairs, and noted that Jungkook had become thinner, skinnier, and looked malnutritioned. How did this happen?

  Before he knew, he felt his fingers running along what used to be a built arm now so thin. It was devastating.

   "What happened to you.." he whispered to himself and the pain he felt at that moment was nothing less than a sharp knife being plunged in his heart. He barely managed himself from making any crying noises.


Hey i love you guys, i hope you liked it, and if you did let me know by starring this chapter! Cya soon<333



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