{4} Matt's 2nd side

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A/N idk I rlly wanted yandere or something bc of something I watched and read and here we are now so yeah- anyway yeah! Enjoy! ^^

Warning⚠️: Very very VERY smol lemon

Edds pov:

I was back our old house, looking at the ruins of it. It was built back but broken and everywhere I look is like a war zone. Everything around me is broken or into old blood stains from people who didn't join.

I was walking around the ruins when I saw a mirror, it wasn't shattered but it wasn't stained, it was in perfect condition. I picked it up and looked at it and pocked at it and my hand went through it.

I think that's the mirror Matt had before from that magic store or something. Just then someone came through the mirror, I almost dropped it, scared from what happened and I think it's girl version of me.

" Oh! So it's that mirror... Welp looks just like home... " She'd say turning around noticing me. " Sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you, male version of me! I'm Ell! "

She say with her hand out, " I'm Edd but is it true on what you said, this place is similar to yours? " I'd say shaking her hand then looking worried at her.

" Yeah.. it's the same for me too.. Tori took over and- " she said as, " Wait.. Tori? As in Tord!? " I'd say confused. " Oh wait.. I see yeah Tori is Tord I guess..! " She'd say also confused like as I was.

" What about Tom? ". " Oh her name is Tamara and there is also Matilda.. I couldn't save her.. " she'd say crying abit looking down at her hands. " I know I couldn't save Matt either.. were in this together..! "

" Yeah I guess.. but I have to leave now.. keep the mirror with you at all times just in case! " She'd say looking at the mirror. " Will do! See you again Ell! " I'd say waving as she jumped into the mirror.

I'd pick it up and go back to my base wondering what everyone else looked like and if they were different. I'd hide the mirror within my jacket and just walked since I knew the RA soldiers wouldn't be out soon to look for me or survivors.

Then I stumbled upon some, they spotted me and came running and one was talking into their walkie. I ran over to them and knocked them out with my shovel. " DONT YOU EVEN FUCKING DARE! ".

I'd say hoping I got them on time but more troops came and what do you know it's Tord and Tom.. great.. " Hello! Old friend- ". " SHUT UP! I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT! YOU PROBABLY KILLED MATT BY NOW BUT I DONT GIVE A FUCK! " I'd say yelling with anger at Tord.

" What do you mean.. Matt is perfectly fine..! He is alive for now.. unless he makes a wrong move he'll be dead.. " I'd start crying abit, Matt is alive..? That's great!

" Sir, you know he doesn't know what happened with him right..? " Tom would say that I clearly heard but he tried to whisper it. " Yes I'm aware but better not too "

He'd say with a grin, I didn't hear footsteps till 2 soldiers held me and one was trying to put me to sleep. I tried fighting back but they were so strong. I tried to breathe but then knocked out. All I felt was my body aching from running and fighting...

Tords pov: (Join Red army- jk jk)

We finally got Edd, I'm glad Paul and Patryk were able to sneak up on him like they were asked too. I was able to signal them while I was talking to Edd. " Sir what do we do now? If Matt finds out he is probably going to flip. " He'd say abit worried.

" Oh don't worry! We'll discuss that when we get back and I still have to tell you something important in my office, anyway let's go people! We don't have all day! "

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