The Backstory

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      She smiles as she sits down at her computer and starts to write her life story before it's too late. She had questioned herself if she should do this or not but decided if there was a chance she could die any day, any moment, or any minute. she might as well let the world know her story.

    "Hi my name is Sydney Booth, I'm a 24-year-old woman who has lots of complications in life, and each one is more difficult than the last. Here's my story. Let's do a little backstory first so y'all understand me." She hesitates but continues, "I was raised as an army brat as part of my life, my bio dad as I call him gave his rights up for me when I was 4 years old. My adopted Dad Glenn stepped into my life and helped my Mom Sue raise me. At age of 10, they gave me my little sister Marie, growing up she had all these health complications and still does and I know I had some issues but I didn't like to focus on myself." Her fingers pause but continue, " I was born with a heart problem called SVT, I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail about it but it's where my heart rate is too high or too low. I had surgery as a baby to correct it but that didn't stop the wearing of the heart monitor for two years or dying four times before the age of one." Sydney thinks of the baby photos of her with the heart monitor on. "Then at the age of four, shortly after the parental rights I was diagnosed with stage four of Lyme disease they caught almost too late that I almost died from."

    Sydney thinks of the memory of almost dying from the amount of blood loss mixed with blood flowing from her mouth and nose at the same time almost suffocating her from the inside. She shakes her head of the memory and continues. "I was able to recover from the Lyme disease only with certain side effects that weren't too bad but changed my life forever. I developed arthritis in all of my joints and an allergy to red meat that didn't hit till I was sixteen." She thinks about the memory of the last steak she ate, shakes her head, and starts up again. "My life was pretty normal for a girl whose parents divorced and a little sister who had bad seizures. I survived each day when the bullying got worse, the depression set in, and when I went in and out of weird relationships in my life. Those of sexual and friendship, I survived a lot and lots changed but over the years friends came and went but two stayed around the whole time." Sydney smile as she thinks of her best friends.

    "Katie was the one who was always there no matter what even when she went through a lot of stuff growing up, they met when Katie was in 5th grade while I was in 6th, we connected immediately and stayed together over the next ten years. We went through ups and downs like with her now current husband who is my ex-fiancée and her first love but that's another story. Katie has been there for me no matter what and doesn't beat around the bush but to think of it either does Justin my other best friend and one of my loves. I met Justin when I was about 15 at the state park and thought he was cute instantly, I became best friends with his sister first then later we connected, we dated six months then decided that we were better as friends." Sydney laughs at the memories from that summer she met Justin. " Even though they were better as best friends they still love each other very deeply but aren't meant to be. At the age of 21, we slept together for the first time but didn't stop there. We sleep together anytime either one of us needs to relax which isn't healthy but we know that. Katie keeps my head on straight while Justin lets me be free and helps me control my urges to hurt myself or comforts me through my panic attacks caused by my ex Lynn."

    Sydney stops and starts to erase part of it but stops herself she needed it out, even if it hurt her in the end she couldn't handle it anymore keeping it locked in. "Where was I? Oh yes, my best friends, Katie and Justin were always there for many years and through lots but my heart belonged to my ex-boyfriend/ best friend/ lover? I was sure to call James because he's so many things to me but no matter the situations when Katie and Justin can't be trusted or are no help he always has been there for me. I haven't known him as long as the other two but he a lot to me." Sydney breathes a big breath then continues, "James was always the one I could talk to and he didn't take a side so he kept my head on straight when I tried to do something rational. The truth is yes he is my ex-boyfriend and I'm stupid for leaving him for my ex Lynn but that's the past and there's no going back sadly we have changed too much, too much has changed for us to work out again. Anyway, I'm still madly in love with him, I'm telling him everything when it comes to flings to problems with family to work issues to college issues anything is wrong at all in my life he's the guy I go to."

Sydney sighs she knows she needs to fix lots of grammar but continues, "James is older than her and knows nothing will ever come from them again but wishes we could, and even though he's twelve years older than me, I still love him deeply. James has helped me through multiple situations in my life, more than I would lie to admit to. Anyway back on track, now you know of James who is important in my story I can start from the beginning of my current situation." She closes her laptop and rubs her eyes as she looks at the 12:32 am flashing in blue light on her alarm clock on her bedside table. Time for bed, beauty couldnt wait the diary could, she hoped.

Diary  of Sydney BoothWhere stories live. Discover now