When it Began

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Sydney tries to sleep but her story runs through her head, she closes her eyes, and her head spins from her meds. she decides to write more. "It was two years ago when my life changed forever, I didn't know that one little accident would lead to something that changed my life forever. it was March of 2020 I believe, the pandemic was starting, my family had decided to move to Florida, I was going through lots of work and these new changes like having my sister 12 hours away. James ended up giving me a concussion on accident on my left temple. some may ask how is that an accident well it was and if he hadn't we would have not found the cyst."

Sydney rubs her neck and decides if she should continue with her story. "The doctors discovered a cyst on the left side of my brain. When looking for the concussion, which I also had but all I cared about was this cyst sitting on my brain. I spoke to a neurologist on video chat the next day and was good it was tiny and had nothing to worry about." Sydney pulls at her shirt, it's getting harder to breathe thinking about this from the beginning. "I mentioned the cyst to my parents to which they were concerned but we thought nothing of because of what the doctor said till fast-forward a year I start having issues with migraines. I looked into that more and found out it was causing the migraines from its placement and the pressure on my brain. I handle the pain the best I can then my symptoms got worse. Fast forward to the end of 2021, lots of complications see happening but it was noticeable after my car wreck on December 10, 2021. We blamed the wind at first from the tornados coming across the mountain but in reality, it was from my cyst. At the time we did not know it was causing me blackouts." Sydney shudders at the thought of her wrecks and that horrible night.

" let me explain what happened, I was leaving my hair appointment that night on the way to meet my second mom, Justin's mom for dinner across the mountain in Wilburton. Out of nowhere on the last sharp curve, my car went off the road, I don't remember all of it but I remember going down a raven then back up it. I don't remember flipping It but when I came to it in the end I was sitting in my upside-down car starring at the steering wheel and in my head thinking that wasn't right. It instantly put me into shock and all I could think was to find my phone call, my dad. I was able to get out of my car and discover it was raining and I had a lady running towards me asking if I was ok. I don't remember a lot but I remember trying to call my dad off her phone. Police then showed up to me time flew by, the next thing I know I'm in an ambulance with what they believed is a broken arm crying and my dad telling me it was gonna be alright." flashes of that night played in her head as her fingers stop moving across the keyboard.

"In conclusion, we learned that I was able to escape with bruise and scrapes but nothing broken, I was very lucky since I flipped my car on the bottom of a mountain. We set up a doctor's appointment as a follow-up for the next week to confirm everything was still ok. I went back to work that next Thursday thinking it's been almost a week I find, well my body decided I was wrong. I ended up blacking out at work and giving myself a small concussion or adding on to the one from the wreck. That follow-up appointment ended up being a multiple visit thing now that I had to be cleared to go back to work. During that appointment, we discussed my small concussion to which I was asked if this was my first ever concussion to which I said no and that's how my cyst was started to be invested again." Sydney pauses and thinks about how so much has changed lately.

She closes her eyes and the world still spins so she continues even though her hands start to ache. " My doctor scheduled for me to get ahead CT done so we could get more on my cyst since it was discovered two years ago." Sydney stops typing and rethinks everything she has gone through this past couple of weeks. She knows she wants to continue to type but Her meds were winning this battle tonight.

" I struggle to stay awake as I relive this moment in my life that changed everything forever, I know the measurements of my cyst were 1.3 Cm by 3 cm but at the time I didn't know it was so much more than that. I didn't want to believe that something so small could cause so much damage to my brain. I dug up the old files from my first visit in 2020 and even though the doctor says it was nothing the results in my file showed something completely different which scared me even more. I always asked myself why didn't the doctor tell me how terrible my results were."

Sydney sighs, her thumb hovering over the delete button one push and she could go back to hiding it all and pretending nothing was wrong in her life. She knew if she deleted it that the story would live on in her head and that was a much scarier place to store it instead of telling the world of her journey.  She fights a little longer to fill this page since something incomplete drives her insane.

"Based on the results found, the cyst that's located on my left temporal line of my brain had a name or a scientific name I should say. It's called a left cranial fossa arachnoid cyst. Its located in a portion of my brain that if it ruptures I could die. everything I keep finding out bout this cyst is scaring me more and more. I dream of the day I could go back to no complications and my head wasn't a ticking "time bomb" that could kill me."

Diary  of Sydney BoothWhere stories live. Discover now