Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

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Chapter 4: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

"Old man," Luffy and Sakura simultaneously spoke... she blinked, gesturing for him to start first.

As they had their conversation, Sakura bit her finger and did the important signs for a summoning jutsu. Slamming her hand on the floor, she tried again just for nothing to happen. Getting the same results as before had her huffing in frustration. She wanted to leave her slug with Whitebeard. Is it because I'm not in my world anymore?

"They're moving Ace's execution time? You're sure that's what they said?" Whitebeard repeated Luffy's report.

Her ears perked up at that, standing up. She didn't know there was a timelimit and the fact they thought they would honor an execution seemed odd. Even shinobi break truces.

"After they finish some kind of preparation... Then some code stuff I didn't really get. Since you wanna save Ace too, I thought I'd tell you." Luffy insinuated his information in a way that implied it was purely to achieve the same goal and nothing else.

"Preparation? I think they are setting up a trap." Sakura didn't realize she spoke outloud. Her finger on her chin in thought. "If I were a marine, I would break that ice after securing most of us are on it."

"You think they would break the ice?" Whitebeard seemed interested in her theory.

Sakura snapped out of it, waving her hand in defense. "It's an assumption! It's just... breaking the ice was the first thing I thought to do until I realized how disadvantageous it will be for us."

She shrugged. It may not happen but it was a possibility if she thought about how a strategist would exploit his enemy's weaknesses.

"Hmmm, I see. This is rather an important news from both of you. Sorry about before." Whitebeard's unexpected apology took those nearby by surprise.

"Don't worry about it." Once again, Sakura and Luffy had twins telepathy. It seemed that he wanted to say something with the way his lips parted but he closed it as soon as he opened it. Turning away, Luffy was the first to head out.

Knowing she had to go too, she regarded Whitebeard for the last time. "Old man, once I come back, you will be healed by me okay. You don't have a say in it."

"Heh, doctors never stop lecturing, do they?" he humorously replied.

"I acknowledge, we don't." For the first time since she came, she smiled wide. Sakura then jumped.

Back to square one. It was a bitter pill to swallow but she had better understanding now. She can work it.

Ahead was straw hat, his arm stretching back, almost reaching her abdomen before launching forward. That's... a new one. Out of all the abilities, she would never guess someone would be rubber but she learned one thing during her stay here, never underestimate any ability... no matter how weird or useless they appear.

"So that's Ace's little brother? Don't get in the kid's way. Third division, start your assault!" Jozu instructed his team after they were also blown back to their ship.

The prisoners from the new warship, that fell, were motivated to enter the fight too, following Luffy's footsteps.

"Fourteenth Division, clear his path." One of the commanders who they called Speed Jiru wore a fourtheenth century Italian uniform that consist of a white robe and a brown fez. He positioned his lance and golden shield in a offense and defensive stance. "Yes sir!"

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