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Chapter 5: Deceiver

"He defeated a giant!"

The air in Luffy's fizzled out, his body thining, flaring in rapid motion to Sakura's already expecting hand. He was rubber and based off that fact, she was able to predict what was about to happen.

"You're amazing, Straw Hat! You took down a giant in one hit."

She sided glanced at the weirdos that Luffy attracted. I know I'm not in my world anymore but those outfits are really odd. She can't get over the high heel, fightnet stocking, and underwear these people were wearing. It didn't look appropriate for a battlefield.

"I'm back to normal!" The miniture boy in her hand grew longer and bigger, taking the size of an average person.

"Hey Straw Hat, you are attracting too much attention," the prisoner remarked, getting closer together after being surrounded.

"Don't let them move an inch. Don't let a rookie and a doctor wreck our plans." Sengoku's, not so inspirational speech, had the marines push the pirates backwards.

Fights ensured, blows were exchanged. It was a neverending cycle of battles. Luffy took all the bullet attacks, deflecting them back to their enemies while Sakura one-shotted them into unconsciousness. It went on for few minutes before the marines started behaving suspiciously.

What is this? Those on the other end are retreating. She spun out of a swinging sword, trying to pay attention to her surroundings. Her hand chopped him fast on the neck, letting him fall. Reinforcements in the form of warships were sailing toward the bay. They are coming from the back, the only place we can escape from... are they trying to corner us?

The pirates that were supposed to help them, changed their direction pattern, aiming to destroy the warships. Sakura was relived that their team had a strategist who could see through such ploy, but that also meant there will be a lot less people to help their small group go through the overwhelming amount of enemies. They were trying their best to hold off their fort.

"Death wink!" Just in the nick of time, Ivankov came in as the backup they needed followed by Jinbei.

"Ivan-chan! Jinbei! I wanna make a straight line to Ace!" Listening to him, Jinbei, Ivankov and Luffy combined their karate, death wink, bazooka attacks and freed up some space. "Advance."

The marines tried to stop them but Sakura used earth jutsu to create a barrier between them so they won't interfere.

"From where did this wall come from?" the prisoners were confused.

Not wasting the opportunity, they continued on their track.

"Sakura? How did you do that?" Luffy seemed impressed and intrigued.

"Just a few ninja tricks," Sakura replied, not big on jutsu. She was more of a healer than a jutsu master. If Kakashi were here, it would have been easy.

"You are a n-n-ninja? S-So cool!" Stars replaced his eyes, seeing Sakura in a new light. She sweat dropped at the sudden admiration.

Far ahead, Moria had their narrowed path blocked. "Strawhat, you are not getting past me."

This clown again. Thankfully, Jinbei volunteered to fight Moria for the second time, saving her team the time and energy to waste, while Ivankov strided way ahead of them, leading them. On her way, she caught Moria pulling people's shadows from the ground, cutting them with big scissors then putting them inside him, growing him bigger.

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