The Blowjob Chapter

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Finally, Tuesday. The Wednesday of days. It feels like I've been stuck on monday for months, to be honest. Shit just hit the fan at full speed yesterday. Thought I was gonna lose my relationship and all. And whatever that business with Farfallah was supposed to be.

I would say that I hope today is a better day than yesterday, but, let's be honest. It won't.

And it all starts with a message on my phone.

"Hello, Ayden. It's Hayden, your boyfriend. We need to talk. Please meet me at the cafeteria. With love: Hayden."

He's stiff even when messaging. But that's part of his charm, I guess. Still, that ominous "We need to talk" bit is getting me kinda worried. I suppose we never really resolved that whole "Who cares if you can't afford to go to school" snafu. Dunno how I'm gonna save face on that one.

Maybe I'll suck his dick. Can't say sorry with a mouth full of jock, can't I? This plan is perfect and will definitely not backfire at all. I really don't wanna talk about yesterday.

Also, if the talk is... well, the talk, it would be rude and improper to break up with someone sucking your dick. Everyone knows that. Unless they are very teeth-oriented.

I slither out of my vent, very susly if I might add. Lucky enough, it's still early, with only a few early birds and nerds milling around doing background character stuff, like sitting on the lawn and opening and closing their lockers over and over again. A few broopies huddle together to beat the morning air, but like piranhas, their strength comes with numbers, so I'm not afraid. It doesn't take long until I reach the cafeteria, locked. Great, I have to stand around and smell normie air for normies and shit. I knock gently, then harder, because I have to teach the door who's the boss around here.

The door, surely recognizing my bad boy superiority, opens for me to reveal the complete magnitude of Hayden, leaning against the doorframe with that jacket that hugs his body so tightly. Damn, he looking hot today. I can see his bulge throbbing in anticipation. Wait, no, that his phone is vibrating in his pants.

He takes it out, turns it off, and stares back at me. "Good morning, sunshine," he says in that grave, dulcet voice, like hot cocoa, but, like, cold. Like a cold, hot cocoa, pouring out of his mouth. Oh, no. He's gonna dump me, isn't he? People always look their hottest when they dump their significant other. He even smells great, like freshly-made sausages and bread. I wanna bite him.

Quick, Ayden, move fast. Suck his dick. Boy, he looks so big today. So wide. I can't see anything past him. He looks like a big sun, and I'm about to get a mouthful of sunshine.

I take a step forward, grabbing him by the waist and pushing him back. Surprisingly, for a man of his hugeness, he can be moved pretty easily.

"Um, I take it you slept well?" he asks as I push him towards what I assume is the nearest table. Dunno, can't actually see behind him. I'll keep pushing until I hit something hard. Harder than him, at least. God, give me strength to dislocate my jaw to fit that anaconda in.

I feel us hit something solid and flat, like the Earth. I grab him by the belt hoops and hoist him up a bit, pushing him back to make him sit on the table. I hear rattling of metal behind him, meaning, it was a table and not an unfortunately placed hunchback with metal braces.

"What are you doing, bro?" says Hayden, in his most cheap-porn voice ever as he scrambles to get me off him.

Remember, kids: It is wrong to touch another person's no-no square without their consent. Which is why you always have to ask first. "I'm gonna suck your dick, bro. I can suck your dick, right?"

Hayden continues to try and get me away, but not as much as before. "No! I mean, yes, you can, always. Please do. But, we really need to talk, and-"

I place a finger on his lips, all the while I wiggle it seductively against his lips. "Shh. No, we don't. I know I fucked up. I hurt you. I was a bad boyfriend. Let me make it up to you with my mouthssy."

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