the brayden chapter wrote by me: brayden messina-park

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hell yeah, brother! this is a brayden chapter now! that peepee poopoo ayden man ain't around to go harshing our mellows. he's always a downer, lookin' at me with those lookin' eyes and monologuin' about every single little thing. my god, what's there to think about? just go with my guts, i say. no thinking, just vibes all around. it's been a hot minute since we three just get together, the three amigos. the three musketeer chocolate bars. barnie and his other two weird dinosaur friends. they are the boots and map to my dora the explorer. holy mothballs, her name is dora 'cuz she's an "exploradora," which means explorer in french. that's molto bene, my dudes!

anyways, here's a picture of how i'm feeling from the microsoft paint in my mind. used a lot of thinky juice for this.

 used a lot of thinky juice for this

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i'm fucking picazo. look at my damn abs. i wanna lick those cum-gutters so much. why insn't anybody offering to lick my cum-gutters? bullshit, i tell ya. bullshit.

speaking of bullshit, i go out of my way to let hayden into my home, give him my fav drink in this god forsaken podunk town, and all he's done is sulk in the corner like a... ah... umm... corner sulker. who sulks in corners. look dude, you know daddy ain't the brightest tool in the lightbulb when it comes to anal-orgies. just nod your head and be a pretty kitten for me, will ya?

hey babe you barely touched you baja blast since you got here, i tell him, puffing my chest, my nipples looking scrumptious through my vegan-cotton shirt. oh brayden my brother my best friend with a massive horse cock, he tells me, i'm just at a loosing for what to do with my peepee poopoo boyfriend well, ex-boyfriend, he tell me.

whoa, he broke up with peepee poopoo ayden? that's totally not tubular, bro! sure, he's a smug dickhead who looks at me like i'm some sort of idiot, but he makes hayden happy. he makes us all happy! everyone knows he's the comedic relief character of my story, after all. sad to see a sad clown, like that one joke about tagliatelle the clown and the doctor and the watchmen. now he's making hayden sad, which makes me, like, not funky fresh feelin'. and y'all know daddy likes to be funky fresh.

scooby places one of his big, meaty paws on hayden's shoulder. god, i want those claws around my throat. no i don't. i do? no! i do! wait, no, i don't!

"woof woof, rawr, bark!" says the man-wolf in his man-wolf ways. dunno, wasn't paying attention. thinking about them paws. no, i wasn't!

oh, i don't know, scoobs, says hayden while fiddling with the straw of his baja blast, it's just... things have been hard lately, like there is a force trying to pull us apart, and you know how paranoid ayden gets sometimes and he has this single-minded resolve that only he can solve things, and doesn't rely on me to sort out my issues. i'm not a damsel in distress that needs rescue but he insists in shouldering everything making a huge deal out of an ant hill and making a fuzz about every single little thing going wrong. unlike daddy brayden, who is as cool as a cucumber and just about as girthy. oh how i wish i could lick the sweat of his nape.

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