Chapter 2

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• Photo above is how I picture Grayson •

Chapter 2

[Grayson Thomas's POV:]

Despair. The feeling that always came every Monday morning, when I knew school was approaching. The sky was a dark and angry shade of gray as I jogged out the front door of my house at six-thirty on a Monday morning. My keys jingled in my pocket as I tore open the door to my 1979 Chevy Chevelle, also known as my pride and joy.

My Dad had bought it from a guy in the next town over for my seventeenth birthday, over a year ago. She was a classic at best, and her engine purred to life as I shoved the keys into the ignition.

It was the only nice thing Dad ever done for me in my eighteen years of life.

I shift the car into reverse, backing out of my driveway and onto our quiet street, just as the rain began to pour. I switch the wiper blades on, as I relax in my seat, listening to the plastic blades screeching across my windshield, pushing the wetness in the opposite direction.

I hated Mondays.

Ten minutes later and I pull into my best friend Stephen's driveway, honking the horn a few times to let him know that I'm outside and to hurry up. I look down at my watch and notice the time, 6:50 a.m., it read. I rest my arm on the door, letting my chin rest on my fist.

Come on, dumbass, I can't help but think to myself.

I press my thumb to the horn once more, my horn blaring to life, impatiently.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I hear Stephen yell from the porch as he takes off running, trying not to get drenched in the downpour. He jerks open my passenger side door, climbing in and pulling it shut rather quickly.

"Damn, man! It's really coming down hard, ain't it?" He asks, pulling his seatbelt over himself and clicking it.

I shoot him a glare that has him raising his hands in defense as I shift the car back into reverse and away we go...


The halls are cluttered with students and faculty as Stephen and I make our way inside the dimly-lit entrance. My senses heighten as everyone stares at us as we make our way down the main hallway.

Everyone knows who my Father is in this town. Most of them attend church with their families. I can't even remember the last time I went.

I spot my girlfriend, Claudia, and her friend up ahead, leaning against my locker, waiting for me. Her fiery red hair bouncing off of her shoulders as she giggled with her friend, Patsy, probably something about me. It was always something about me.

Claudia was a good girlfriend. Some people would even say that she was too good for someone like me, but they can all go to hell. God knows I am.

"Gray!" Her excited high-pitched voice rings through the hallway, turning several heads. Claudia throws her arms around my neck, standing on the edges of her toes, pulling me downwards to her lips.

I wrapped a protective arm around her waist as our lips touch. Our kisses were never filled with passion, only sadness. I just only hoped she never figured that out. Or maybe she already knew.

Tell Me You Love Me: A Stand-alone | Young Adult MM RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now