Chapter 5

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• Photo above is how I picture Stephen •

Chapter 5

[ Kai Peterson's POV: ]

Everything hurts. I open my eyes and am immediately blinded by the brightest light I've ever seen.

Am I dead?

...God, is that you?

Oh shit.

I'm dead... I'm dead... I'm dead...

"Kai?" I hear a familiar voice say. It sounds like my best friend.

"You're here, too?" I finally find my voice. My head is pounding and I should be concerned right now if I'm dead, but why does everything hurt still?


Everything comes flooding back to me now. I raise up in the bed with a grimace as the pounding in my head instantly increases times ten. I wince, my hand immediately flying to my the back of my head as it were a baby, rubbing away at the throbbing sensations.

The first thing I notice as soon as my vision clears is that I'm in a white room. My best friend, Ash, occupies the chair beside me and my Mom is staring down at me with concern in her eyes.

"Why's everyone staring at me for?" I ask, my voice coming out tired. As I look around the room, I realize I'm in the hospital. The beeping of the machines around me drift into my eardrums, as the ache in my head eases into a dull throbbing sensation.

"Oh baby," my Mom coos, leaning down to brush a strand of hair out of my eye.

"You were brought here from school, Ash rode in the ambulance with you," she says, staring at my face, which I'm sure was a sight I wasn't ready to see just yet.

I groan, my head starting to pound again. I lay back on the soft mattress, rubbing at my forehead. I rest my eyes as my Mom goes to tell the nurse that I'm awake.

My eyes pop open again as I turn my head to look at Ash. "How long have I been out for?" I ask, genuinely sounding curious.

Ash rises from the chair, coming to sit beside me on the bed. "A few hours..." she says, trailing off, staring at my injuries I'm sure were noticeable.

"How bad it is?" I ask, not really sure if I wanted to really know or not.

Ash lets out a laugh, but I can tell how forced it is. She leans down, just several inches from my face.

"You're still the sexiest, babe," she winks,

"Besides Wesley and, of course, me," she finishes, true concern written in her eyes.

I roll my eyes at the stupidity of my best friend. We both know that I'm sexier than her. I get men and women, she only gets Wesley. But I'd never tell her that.

We both know her ego is too fragile.


About an hour later, the doctor walked, and much to my dismay, I cracked several of my ribs due to my fall and I have a concussion from when my head slammed into the floor and my face is bruised along with my lip being busted... nothing too major that wouldn't heal in time and with pain meds.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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Tell Me You Love Me: A Stand-alone | Young Adult MM RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now