Chapter Two

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"Today's the day that our plan happens," Schwoz said in a sing-song voice. The earpiece in Charlotte's ear felt uncomfortable, like there was a bug in her ear. He sounded way too eager and excited about what was going to happen, making her frown. "Ray and I made sure it was going to be hilarious."

"I know that the plan is starting because I have this earpiece in my ear," Charlotte muttered. She stood outside Swellview High School, hating the way that her stomach was rolling. Someone rushed past her, so she moved next to a brick pole, leaning against it. "Why else would I have this in my ear? I wouldn't want to hear you and Ray talking all day."

"Okay, rude," Ray said with hurt in his voice. "What did you eat this morning, Charlotte? A plate of mean eggs?"

"I didn't eat anything this morning. I was too nervous."

She tuned out what Ray and Schwoz were saying to her as she stared through the front doors of the school. Today was the beginning of the mission. Her and Kid Danger were going to 'meet' for the first time and hit it off. Soon enough, they were going to be fake dating each other to try to get Seymour Butts to come out of hiding somehow with the new addition of a loved one in Kid Danger's life. She should have been happy thinking about the plan, but there was a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"How did Henry's parents react to the news that their son was supposedly injured?" Charlotte asked, trying to stall the plan as much as she could. She desperately didn't want to do this. She didn't want to date Henry. Though it was Kid Danger she was going to fake date, it still was awkward that this was her best friend and all. "Did Piper even look up from her phone to hear the news?"

Ray laughed loudly. "Good one, Charlotte," he said, giggling like a schoolgirl. "I was there when Kid told them that Henry had been injured, and his mom passed out. Thankfully, I was right there to catch her." He sounded so proud of himself, making Charlotte shiver in disgust. She hated when Ray flirted with Henry's mom. It was gross.

"She wouldn't have passed out if you wouldn't have zapped her," Henry said in her ear. He was just around the block, waiting for the cue to come to school. At least, that was what was part of the plan. "When she came to, her and dad cried together and thanked us for saving him -- me. And as for Piper, she did look up from her phone when she found out what happened to me. She actually shed one tear for her favorite brother ever."

"No, she did not," Jasper said incredulously. Charlotte also couldn't believe that Piper would cry over Henry. She never cried, only if her phone wasn't working or the WiFi was out. "Are you serious?"


"Charlotte, shouldn't you be going inside now?" Ray asked her, making Charlotte groan. "The plan is supposed to start soon."

"I know, I know. I'm going."

Shoving herself off of the brick pole, she headed toward the door. Charlotte pushed open the doors to the school and stepped inside before Ray could tell her that he was going to die if she didn't do this. He had been extra careful lately, making her, Henry, and Jasper go through all sorts of entrances into Junk N' Stuff and the Man Cave just so they wouldn't draw more attention to him. He also wouldn't leave the Man Cave at all because he was so afraid of dying. She understood the fear because she was always fearful that Henry wouldn't come back from a mission since he was a mere mortal.

There weren't that many people in the school just yet, but she knew that more and more people would show up as time got closer to first hour. Charlotte hated when people rolled into school five minutes before classes started. She felt like they just didn't care about school as much she did. Call her a nerd, but she enjoyed school because she got to learn about everything under the sun. That was all she could do since she couldn't fight like her best friend and boss. 

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