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*Author note*
Okay so I just want to say that I'm not trying to make panic attacks and anxiety into romance I just wanted to make an imagism for my little ashtray simps.


Me,fez and y/n were watching TV while sitting on the couch. Fez was on a single chair and me and y/n were sitting next to eachother.

A few minutes later fez got a phone call. I looked over at him and noticed that he had a look that showed worry on his face I saw y/n turn over in the corner of my eye and I looked over at her and she looked a little bit worried.

I didn't want her to worry so I said "don't look ma everything will be okay" she hugged into me and we started watching the TV again.

"Yo ash bring y/n into your room and don't let her out because mouse is coming over" I heard fez say
Y/n looked up at me with a worried expression and then we heard a knock on the door, I felt her grab my hand tightly and fez went to answer the door while mouthing to me 'bring her into your room' I knew he was talking about y/n so I got up and helped y/n up and started walking her to my room.

When we got there I heard...rue? "Stay here ma and don't come out until I say okay?" "Okay" she said silently. I gave her a little smile and walked out and then I saw rue "what are you doing here?" I said "Rue you gotta go" fez kept saying but before she could go there was another knock on the door.


I heard rues voice just when ashtray went out of the room but I didn't wanna go out there incase mouse came in. Speaking of mouse I heard him come in and I couldn't help but worry. I heard fez talking and I heard mouse, u also heard 1 or 2 words come out of rues mouth every like 5 minutes. But I didn't hear a sound out of ash.

After a while I could hear fez raising his voice at mouse not really loud but loud enough for me to hear. I was always scared of mouse, I've only met him once but I didn't really speak to him. Then I heard fez saying things like "nah she's good bro" and "for real bro I don't want her taking that shit" this made me worry. I started to think that maybe mouse was going to do something to fez or rue or ash.

Suddenly I could feel my heart start to beat faster. I whispered to myself "no no no y/n not now please" and after a few seconds I heard the door close. "Y/n you can come out now" but I couldn't move, my breathing got faster and faster as the seconds went by, "y/n?" Ash said I started to cry and I slid down the wall and put my knees to my chest.

I could hear footsteps and I looked up and saw ash leaning on the doorframe when he saw me he quickly ran over to me and put both of my hands in his and said "it's ok ma breath with me" I was trying to but I just couldn't and I could see that he noticed that I was trying. He looked into my eyes and said to me "come on breath in through you nose....and out through your mouth" I started doing that and I started to calm down A little bit he let go of my hands and pulled me into a hug " I'm sorry" I said once I was fully calmed down but I was still crying "hey ma there's nothing to be sorry about".

He picked me up and brought me to the living room and we sat on the couch together and he put my head on his lap. I was getting tired so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I was sitting down watching TV with y/n's head on my lap I noticed that she had fallen asleep and I started to admire her beauty and I put a strand of hair behind her eye and smiled to myself  'how did i get so lucky?' I thought, after a couple of minutes of looking at her I picked her up and brought her to my room.

I placed her down on my bed and got In aswell when I got in I pulled out my phone and started looking at it. After a couple of minutes I felt y/n snuggle into my chest and I smiled and put my phone down and cuddled with her.

"Goodnight" I heard her say quietly as she was tired "Goodnight ma" I said and then I closed my eyes and started drifting off to sleep.

Ashtray imagines <3 (Euphoria)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum