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I was with ash in his living room and he was loading bullets to his gun and counting money he made from drug dealing. I was tired of just sitting down and watching him so I asked him if he wanted to spend some time with me.

"Cant you just stop being so clingy?!" He yelled at me. He's never yelled at me before "W-what" I answered back "Can't you keep your mouth shut for once in your stupid life!!?". I felt my heart shatter "I wish I went with that other girl at the party" I heard him mutter to himself, once I heard say that I was done. I walked to the front door and opened it, walked out and slammed it shut. I cant believe he would say that.


Y/n just walked out of the house but she would probably be back later.I think she heard what I said but she'll forgive me right?

It was a couple hours later and y/n still wasn't back yet and I was beginning to get a bit worried.'Maybe she just went it one of her friends house for a sleepover' I thought.

It was now 11 pm at night and I texted her and called her loads of times but she won't answer me she must've blocked me. I'll just go to her house in the morning.
I got out of the car and knocked on her door and to my suprise rue answered it "hey ash can you come back later now is not really the time" before I could even answer I heard screaming it sounded like y/n but it didn't sound like she was in trouble it sounded like she was angry at something or someone.

Me and rue went over to their living room and I saw y/n's mom pinning y/n down while she was shouting something while laughing slightly. I was really confused until I heard "how could you do this to yourself y/n?!" Me and rue walked back to their front door "what happened?" I asked rue "oh she just took some weed and her moms mad about it that's all" she answered, and with that she shut the door and I walked away from the house wondering why y/n would do that.


Y/n hated the sight of drugs, she never took them ever and she ignored the thought of it,if she ever saw drugs lying down on the ground or someone doing drugs she would walk the other way. She was a smart kid who had a lot of problems growing up she always had to listen to her parents fight and sometimes when it went dead silent she would check and would see her mom laying on the sofa with her dad no where to be seen.

Y/n's father was a drug addict and when he took them he only thought about himself and not his wife and his daughter. He was a selfish man and when he came home from being drunk he would abuse his wife right infront of y/n which left her traumatised.

Y/n did not want to turn into her father but the older she got she realised that she was the splitting image of him. Every time she looked at herself in the mirror she would start to cry because she looked like him so much.

She tried to keep away from drugs but when ash broke her heart she couldn't help it. It started off as her just doing weed but it got even worse when all the days went by.


Me and my mom were arguing yet again because of my drug addiction but I couldn't help it "You are just like your father! A selfish drug addict that cares about no one but themselves!" I pushed her and screamed "i am nothing like that monster I only take them because of my problems because when I was little all I heard was you and dad fighting!" Which left her mom in shock "what did you expect me to turn out like a little princess with no problems?!" I walked away from and and ran out of the house.

I made it to the highway and ran into all the traffic without even thinking well I probably would think of I wasn't on coke right now.


Me and fez were on the highway and fez was driving until this random girl ran infront of the car causing our car to stop. Once she turned her head I saw that it was...y/n?! "Is that y/n?!" I shouted and with that I got out of the car and brought her into it with us.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She stayed silent "running in the middle of the highway with cars driving around you everywhere we could've hit you!" "I'm sorry" I heard her mumble we drove down to mine and fez house and then when we got there I dragged y/n into my room. We were both sitting in the bed and I looked into her eyes and saw that she was on something "are you high?!" I yelled at her, she flinched, "I've only taken like coke,molly,weed and stuff" "y/n why would you do this to yourself last time I saw you, you hated the sight of drugs and now your addicted?" She just stared at me "answer me why would you do this to yourself!?" "I'm doing it all for love.." she said slowly and then I realised that I was the reason this happened "are you doing this because of all those things I said to you?" She just looked up at me with tears in her eyes "oh y/n... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say any of that I was just in a really bad mood" she pulled me into a hug and I hugged back tightly "I'll never say things like that to you ever again I'm so sorry ma I love you with all my heart and I'll never stop loving you" "I love you" she said "I love you too ma now get some sleep and please stay away from those drugs I don't want you taking them anymore okay?" "Okay" she said gently while kissing my cheek. I smiled at her and then we cuddled in my bed until we both fell asleep.

Y/n was moving in with me and fez!, she asked for her moms permission and her mom agreed because she didn't want y/n to hear her parents fighting all the time. And y/n was getting a lot better and it was like she never even took drugs in the first place I love her so much and I've learned from my mistakes I will never say anything that will hurt her feelings again after all I'm 'doing it all for love'

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