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Falling. Falling from the sky, Beatrice watched as the ground below her got closer and closer. She closed her eyes, bracing for an impact that never came.

When she opened her eyes she found herself standing in the middle of an alleyway. She looked around, confused. Old newspaper pages fluttered besides a dumpster besides her, she crouched down and glanced at the date, then double checked again to see that it was right.

October 1963.

She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up from this nightmare.

"It can't be." She murmured to herself.

She looked up from where she fell but the crack in the sky was gone.

Looking down at herself all she had on her was her small bag with Klaus's note, pepper spray and her phone that was dead. She sighed, still holding Klaus's leather jacket, she put it on as she wasn't exactly dressed for the chilly, autumn weather she'd landed in.

There was nothing she could do apart from try and figure out how she'd gotten here and how to get home, she walked out of the alleyway and looked around at the old fashioned street she'd landed on.

She walked along a row of shops, looking inside. Every shop she passed, everyone inside was wearing colourful 50's and 60's style clothes. Bea realised she looked totally out of place, wearing a short, black dress and leather jacket.

There was nothing she could do as she didn't have any money from this time period.

An elderly woman was walking besides her, since Bea was walking so slowly trying to figure out why she was here. She turned to the woman and smiled, "excuse me ma'am, can you tell me what town I'm in?"

The woman looked at her suspiciously, "you're in Dallas, deary." She replied before hurrying into one of the shops, probably to get away from her.

She didn't blame her, Beatrice did not fit in at all.

It was getting dark and Beatrice had nowhere to go and no idea what to do. She noticed an open bar so she headed inside and took a seat.

The bar tender didn't even bat an eye at what she was wearing, he simply poured her a drink and smiled.

When he passed her the drink she tried to decline it, "oh, I'm sorry... I actually don't have any money to pay for this. I just don't have anywhere to go at the moment and it's getting dark out."

He placed the drink in front of her, "I've had a lot of strangers in here the past few months looking lost... I've offered them all a drink and it usually solves at least one of their problems."

Bea smiled slightly, "oh... thank you."

He nodded, getting back to cleaning glasses behind the bar, there was no one else around.

"Can you tell me more about the strangers that arrived? Sorry... I'm new in town and looking for my friends who might be around here."

"Hmm..." he pondered for a moment, "there were maybe five or six... all looking like they don't belong here. One guy was huge!!" He exclaimed, leaning on the bar now, "I've seen some of them around here... some of them I haven't seen again." He shrugged.

"Oh... okay, thank you." Bea sighed.

The bartender seemed to feel sorry for her and he leaned back on his bar, "one of them spends a lot of time in the hairdressers... another one, the big one, does boxing matches nearby."

"Thank you so much." Bea replied, giving him a slight smile.

"Listen... the others didn't have anywhere to stay when they first got here... I don't ask a lot of questions, you can stay in the spare room upstairs for free if you need." He said.

"I will take you up on that offer! Thank you." She smiled.

When she was settled in upstairs in the spare room, she was grateful to be inside in the warm instead of outside in the autumn air.

Laying down on the bed she pondered why she'd been brought here. Surely there had to be a reason.

She rolled onto her side and let out a deep breath, her eyes fell on scratches on the wall in front of her.

Klaus was here.

Reaching out, she ran her fingers along the scratches and smiled. He was here. That's all she needed to know.

hmmm 🫣

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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