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Klaus awoke to the sound of his brothers voice, rubbing his bleary eyes he opened them to see Ben sitting at the end of his bed, "Klaus, will you please get up? Five has been knocking on your door for the past ten minutes."

"I told him to go away." Klaus growled as he stumbled out of his bed, he unlocked his door and looked down at Five.

"Oh, you're finally awake." His brother said, uncrossing his arms.

"What do you want that is so important?" Klaus asked, clearly annoyed.

"Well, no one else will help me, or is dumb enough to," he muttered the last part under his breath, "follow me."

Klaus followed Five to his bedroom, where he pulled a familiar looking suitcase from underneath his bed. As soon as he saw it Klaus stepped back, shaking his head. The last time he'd used one of them he lost Dave.

"No, Five. I'm not time travelling with you." Klaus said.

"I didn't ask you to?" Five rolled his eyes, "I'm tired of being in my teenage body, I just wanted to try and see if I could try and get my body to change."

"How would that work?" Klaus questioned his brother, finding the concept ridiculous.

"If I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand."

Klaus shrugged, "probably not. But I'm not letting you do something like this."

Five threw his hands in the air, "what is it with all of you being so conscious all of a sudden?"

"Because we don't want you die?" Klaus said, before turning to leave, "sorry, brother, but I have other matters to deal with."

"Fine, I'll do it myself." Five mumbled, closing his bedroom door and opening the suitcase, he was sure his siblings wouldn't even notice he was gone.

Klaus, meanwhile, was wandering around the academy in search of Beatrice, a ghost he'd been intrigued by ever since she appeared three nights ago.

"Looking for me?" A sweet voice asked as he stood underneath the grand chandelier in the front entrance of the academy.

He whirled around to see her, in the same outfit as always, standing on the stairwell, "maybe." Klaus smirked.

Bea walked towards him, producing a folded piece of paper in her hands and handing it to the man in front of her.

"Here's what you need to do to allow me to leave." She said as Klaus opened the paper and his eyes flickered across the scrawled handwriting, recognising it as his fathers.

"Where's the rest of the papers?" He asked, noticing the torn edge of the paper, it looked like it'd been torn from a book.

"As promised, you'll get them when I can leave." She smiled sweetly.

Klaus couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but decided to trust her.

"Alright, so from what I'm reading I just have to unbind you from the house? Sounds easy enough. I just have to say these words and it'll work?"

"Supposedly." The girl said, looking at the door of the academy, her freedom.

"Ok... I, Klaus Hargreeves, release the spirit of Beatrice Rye from this residence." Klaus said, looking up from the paper at Bea.

"This doesn't seem enough to unbind someone," Klaus noted, but headed towards the door anyway and opened it, "only one way to find out."

Beatrice hesitated as she stood at the entrance, attempting to take another step outside. But something stopped her going any further, and Klaus noticed the despair cross her face.

"There must be another way." Klaus said, although he wasn't optimistic.

One of his other siblings was coming down the stairs as he was talking to Beatrice, Vanya Hargreeves.

"Who are you talking to Klaus?" She asked, looking around for another person.

"No one," Klaus said, Bea scoffed besides him, "sorry." He muttered.

Vanya squinted at him slightly before passing him and leaving the academy to go to her violin sessions.

"There isn't another way, Klaus. I've read all of your fathers notes, papers, books, everything  he kept on all of the Hargreeve's children, trying to find something to help me." She sighed, looking at Klaus sadly before disappearing. Klaus didn't know what else he could do for her, his father had told him he could've used his powers for greater things, but he'd never learned about them.

Despite knowing that she had probably hidden all of the books away to use as leverage, Klaus decided to explore the academy himself and try to find them. They had to be within the four walls of the building somewhere, and he'd find out what he was truly capable of one way or another.

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