Chapter 66

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"Insolence!" Jin Yang looked coldly at the righteous-looking imperial censor and said, "Zhen works hard for the people, and there are no other consorts in the palace. Just living together with the empress becomes obsessed with beauty in your mouth. Zhen thinks you want to sow discord between Zhen and the empress, and to cause disharmony. Your thoughts are shameful."

Jin Yang did not argue with this imperial censor about Purple Imperial Hall at all. He stood up and said expressionlessly, "Zhen thinks that you do not want the best for Zhen, but for Zhen to do what you want."

"This subject is terrified." The imperial censor had not expected the emperor to react like this. His knees gave out, and he knelt down. If he had known the emperor would react like this, he would not have stood up and spoken about the matter today.

A few days ago, he had heard someone say the emperor only appeared to treat the empress well. He looked to be in love, but in reality, he just wanted to lull the empress dowager and the Gu Family with his actions, and stabilize the country. He had stood up at this time in order to take advantage of thus loophole, but the truth of the matter was the opposite of what he had imagined.

He wanted to use the chance to gain favor with the emperor and leave his name behind in history, but who knew he had made a bad move. Now, he likely could not even keep his position, much less leave his name behind in history. It would be very difficult to even come back.

"Zhen needs good officials that work for the country and people, not ones who spend all day staring at the inner palace." Jin Yang glanced at the imperial censor. "Remove him from his position—he will be barred forever."

The imperial censor heard the words, gritted his teeth, and decided to go all in. "Your Majesty, this subject's actions are all for the people of the world. Your Majesty, please see. Have you forgotten the Dongning Rebellion?!"

During the Great Wei Dynasty, the Dongning Emperor had favored the empress greatly, and allowed the empress' clan to gain power in court. After the Dongning Emperor passed away, the empress suddenly took action. She sent armies to imprison all the imperial sons, put on the crown and got onto the throne, making all the court officials bow to her.

The empress was called the Xuanan Emperor after ascending the throne. She was diligent, and the Wei were at peace, and many came to pay tribute. From the people's point of view, there was nothing to pick at.

But the scholars of later generations spoke badly of her. The main point was that she was a woman. One who dared to take the throne, and also take male consorts. Many people thought this was her being disloyal to the Dongning Emperor, and an embarrassment to women. But some scholars thought that she was a hero of women, and could be called a wise ruler among the other emperors.

But regardless of how later generations treated her, the Dongning affair meant that many later emperors were wary of their empresses. This was to avoid them ending up the same as the Dongning Emperor, and having to wear green hats in the annals of history.

The Xuanan Emperor once said, "Those who are emperors all have three palaces and six courtyards. Zhen is a woman, but how can Zhen be different from the ancestors?"

Because of these words, the Xuanan Emperor was cursed for hundreds of years by later scholars. But no matter how hard they cursed, they had to admit that when the Xuanan Emperor was on the throne, those scholars who claimed to be so noble still obediently knelt at the throne and chanted long live the emperor.

Now, this imperial censor was almost directly saying that the present empress may become the second Xuanan Emperor.

When the shocking words were said, all the court officials changed their expressions. Jin Yang's face turned dark completely.

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