Twenty Two.

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Aria was sniffling her way downstairs as she smelt something super delicious. Her hair was still going in every direction and her eyes were fighting to push the sleepiness away. She reached the first floor and made her way to the kitchen, where her brother was standing back facing her.

"What is going here?" She asked still sniffling.

"Huh! You are finally up!" Felix said while turning around to face her. "I thought I had to set your room on fire to make you leave the bed."

"That's mean!" She whined. "I had a long tiring day, yesterday. I didn't even sleep that much."

"Blah Blah Blah." Her brother teased her. Aria rolled her eyes at his childish action before she walks toward him and pokes his shoulder. "What?" He questioned.

"What are you baking? I'm hungry." She pouted cutely.

"Cookies, cupcakes, and butter bread."

"Woah!" She exclaimed in awe. She looked over her brother's shoulder to see that he was taking the hot steaming butter bread out of the oven. The scene made her mouth water.

"Don't droll over my shoulder!" Felix yelled, pushing her away from his back. He moved to the counter with the hot tray in his hand. He placed it down then carefully, picked two pieces of bread to place them in a neatly prepared plate that had some of each kind he baked. He pushed it towards Aria. "Go deliver it to your crush next door."

Aria's face fell then she huffed. She thought the plate was hers. "He's not my crush. He's a friend." She snapped.

"Whatever you call him. Go deliver those before they get cold."

"You do that!"

"I have more bakery here to watch over."

"I can't go now. I'm still puffy."

"Why do you care if you look puffy when he's a friend?" Felix teased.

"What is wrong with looking good in front of a friend?" She fired back.

"Says the one standing ahead of me with unmatched pajamas, clumsy hair, and bloated face." Said a voice from Aria's right.

Aria looked to her right to find Changbin sitting on one of the stools with a plate of bakery and a cup of milk tea that he was slurping. She knitted her brows at her friend. "For how long have you been sitting here?" She asked him.

Changbin dropped his cup and rolled his eyes. "You didn't even notice my presence. Great!" He jumped off the stool and snatched the plate that was pushed to Aria before. "I'm giving the boy his food." He said walking towards the door.

Changbin walked out, slamming the door behind him. Aria turned to face her brother with a squinted look. He was busy with his oven to notice how his sister was looking at him.

"Since when you two started caring about Seungmin?" She asked.

"Since we realized we might be wrong." He answered while closing the oven door. He turned around and rested his back on the oven then crossed his arms. "Since we realized that going against you would end up making a distance between us, and I don't want that to ever happen. I decided to believe in you and your judgment. Your crush might be a good guy." He shrugged.

"He's not my crush." She rolled her eyes and then walked away from her brother.

Aria was internally dancing in triumph. It was a week since she had that fight with her friend and brother. The following morning, she prepared herself to be scolded by Felix once she comes back home but strangely, nothing happened.

She walked in to find Felix preparing her breakfast and Changbin sprawled out on their couch. The breakfast was made and the three of them sat down to eat. It was awkward at first but then the two boys started talking about random stuff and that was how the three of them spent the weekend.

No one talked about the fight. No one mentioned Seungmin and no one protested to Aria's actions.

It was like nothing ever happened and Aria didn't dare to ask.

The week passed by with the same attitude of them. Aria would go to work, meet Seungmin, bicker with Felix and tease Changbin. The next weekend was the first time for them to mention Seungmin or talk about him and it wasn't in a defensive way.

Aria was relieved.

Maybe they would be friends to him too. Maybe.

WORDS. |Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now