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taehyung was playing his video games when he got off from work that day, but his mind couldn't help but to think of that boy that came in that day, their brown eyes told an innocent story but his scent was the complete opposite.

but taehyung got ready for bed because had school that following day, and he hoped that he found that beautiful boy again.

his dream became a reality, because that following day he saw the boy sitting underneath a tree, they had a mask on, hand their earbuds in as they we're crocheting a very beautiful blanket, it seemed the boy was just a really soft alpha, or was just an omega in hiding.

where they lived wasn't the most safest for an omega to walk around, and it seemed whatever the boy was doing was working because people backed off from him, and even when they both sat in class together, the mask was constantly on and their scent was nonexistent.

"hey." taehyung heard a whisper and he turns his head slightly and see's hands on hoseok's hips, lightly squeezing them and taehyung couldn't help but notice how tense they gotten, how people seemed to notice but didn't do anything about it.

when the bell rung, taehyung walked up to Hoseok and grabbed his shoulders. "are you ok?" taehyung couldn't help but to ask.

"of course i am alpha." the older said, his voice sounded soft like last time, and his tense figure was no longer seemed like that, but hoseok had his hands to his chest and was holding them close, he seemed observant, and it just seemed to feed into his anxious state.

"i saw how that alpha touched you in class, will you be ok? it seemed to upset you a little?" taehyung asks his voice sounded concerned, and hoseok looked at him and nodded.

"as an omega, there isn't much we can do, we can only do so much, alpha's can get away with anything here."

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