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Michael prov

My thought were interrupted by Jake handing me Juice in I sippy cup
And I drink then I started watching the movie

Jake prov

the movie finished, and I look at Michael diaper, and he peed in it so put the changing mat down and change him and put him pack on the couch and put cartoons on for him and I get my phone go on Amazon and order diapers that would hold more and pick same day delivery
And a couple of hours past, and it was lunchtime, so I went into the kitchen and I made lunch and then went and got my brother and I feed him and I took him back to the living room and put him on the couch and I go to the kitchen and clean up and go back in the living room and I see Michael sleeping so put a blanket  over him and the doorbell ring and I open that door and see a package on the ground and I bring it in and open it and see it was the diapers I ordered for Michael  so go put them in his room and i get back in the living room and the room smelled, so I lifted that blanket and see he was pooping
And he woke up

Michael prov

I wake up, and I feel myself
pooping, and I tried to stop, but I couldn't, I finally  finished, but then I feel myself peeing and Jake left the room and a couple of minutes past  he comes back with a diaper and wipes  but this diaper wasn't the same as the one I had on

Jake prov

I wait until Michael finished peeing put the changing mat down and I move him on it and I take his poopy diaper off and wipe him clean and put one of his new  diaper on  him and I move him  back to the couch

And I go to the kitchen and look at my phone and see I had a call from my agent, so I call him back, and he said hi Jake I wad Just phone to let you know the limousine will be picking you up at 4:30 instead of 5 I said thanks, and we ended the call

I totally forgot that I'm being interviewed on the news this evening and I won't be able to bring my brother With me, so I phone my brothers friend Matt as I knew I could trust him

He answered and said " hello"

I said "hi mat um being interviewed on the new tonight"

He said "yes I know"

I said "mat I need you to come babysit Michael because I can't bring him with me, and he's"

Matt cut me off  and said " Jake I know and with how your brother was going I knew this day would come, and I told him, but he didn't listen so what time do you need me there"

I said "4 and thanks"

He said " no problem, see you at 4"

The afternoon passed and at 3:50 someone knock on the door and I opened the door, and it was Matt I said come in, and we go to the kitchen and sit down at the table
I said "Michael can't take any stress And he doesn't have control of his  bladder or bowl so I have Some  rules for Michael his that list of rule ho and his bedtime is 8"

Matt prov

Jake goes to the to his room to get ready, and I look at list of rules go into the living room and Michael didn't notice I was there as he was so engrossed in the cartoon, so I went back to the kitchen and sit at the table at 4:20 Jake come in the kitchen

Jake said "Matt thank you so much for coming so short notice"

I said "no problem Jake"

Jake and I go to the living room and Jake said "Michael I leaving right now to go to an interview and you can't come with me, so I got Matt to babysit you" and Jake leaves

Michael prov

I see Jake my little brother walk out the door and all I could think is just a couple of years ago it was me leaving and Jake staying here and getting babysit"

Matt prov

I go into the kitchen and I make dinner and went it was done I went to the living room and picked up Michael and carried him to the kitchen and I realized how light he was I put him on the chair put food in fount of him and I tell him to eat

Michael said "no"

I said "Michael I feed you and move spoonful towards his month And said open your mouth"

I put the spoon down on the plate and Michael said "F you"

I said, "Michael Jake told me if you don't behave, he will  give you a spanking when he gets home.... Now are you going to be a good boy and  let me feed you or am I'm I going to have to tell Jake you were a bad boy

Michael said "ill be good"

I said "ok now open up"

He does and I feed him

I then her hissing, so I check Michael diaper and take pick him up and take him to the living room and put him on the changing mat and change him

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