CH•32 - "A Short Break Down the Mountain"

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The weather is great and the sun is shining. If it weren't for the risk of snowfall and my body's inert function to hibernate during the cold, I'd be enjoying this arctic vacay we're having on the side of a mountain slope instead of hurrying to find the next shelter before the snow comes back. I mean, it's not everyday I get to find myself in such a remote place, though in my case, maybe I'll end up in another similar location someday. Oh well, that's for future me to think about. Right now, I just want to enjoy this moment~...

"Come on, you big piece of lug! We need to keep moving!"

Hm, moment ruined. The bat right now is currently trying to get my immensely large body to move. But with our size difference, it is just not possible. I remain at rest, basking under the soothing rays of the sun, which... isn't as warm as usual. Hmm... wonder if it's the cold climate that's counteracting the heat. Oh well. At least for now, I remain unfettered, and one with earth. Such a relaxing vacay.

"Your thoughts are spilling, you know! And for the record, it's noon already, so this is as hot as the sun can get!"

Ah. So that much time has passed, I see... I have indulged myself for too long, then. Alas, I must bid farewell to this delicate passing of sweet sensations. For I am on a mission, and it must be done. ...... ......... Maybe tomorrow....


And just as the bat screeches in retort. A shadow looms over us from above. It's the falcon. He brought us food. And he drops it right at my face. Well, on my snout, to be precise. It smells like... meat?! Wait... it's dry. And hard. And this shape... wait... dried meat jerky?

"Your guess is as good as mine. Hey falcon, where'd you get this?"

But the falcon did not answer, only staring back at the bat with its fierce-looking eyes.

"The food! That you brought back! The food that's on his-... hey!"

By the time the bat turned to look at the meat jerky that used to be on my snout, he is, right now, looking at the sight of a 7-meter crocodile, me, munching on said dried jerky.

"Wha- you could've shared!"

*nom* Well, there wasn't much to go around with anyway. And it still wouldn't even be enough for me.

"You could've at least waited until after we heated it up! *sigh*... nevermind. We just need to go where it was found. Maybe we can get more."

Sure, sure. Lead the way, falcon.

And just like that, oddly enough, the falcon listened and flew on ahead, while we followed suit. We arrive at a submerged tree, all covered up in snow. The falcon then perches on the lowest branch of the tree. He looks down below the tree, and upon closer inspection, we find that there's a grown man buried deep under a pile of snow. He remains inert. It must be a hiker who got lost in the mountains.

The bat flies closer and checks on the man.

"He's not breathing. And I can't tell if he has a pulse or not with his thick clothing."

I know how we can check. Hey little snake. Go check on him.

The little snake slithers down my snout and into the man's clothing.

"If that man's still alive and that noodle poisons him, it's on you." says the bat as he flies over onto my snout.

You worry too much. I only sent him 'cause snakes are more sensitive to heat. Though I'm not sure how we can help if this man's in serious condition. No one really here has the "doctor's touch", with us having claws and talons and all.

(I Died and got Reincarnated) My New Life as a Saltwater Crocodile BeginsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon