CH•11 - "Through Ocean and Time"

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And, just when the boat was on sight, they're already starting the engines. This is not good! I won't be able to catch up to them even at my full speed! I have to at least grab hold of the boat and drag me along with them. I dive underwater. Even though my dark feature makes me visible under clear water, I've got no time to worry about that. I have to get close to them as fast possible, even if they somehow spot me.

The boat is turning around. It's heading west. Come on, propeller tail, don't fail me now! The boat's motors are getting louder. It's speeding up! Come on, come on! Let... me... get... there... in... time...! I'm just right behind the boat now! Just a little more! Then, something dangled in front of me. With all the bubbles that the propeller is making, I couldn't exactly tell what it was, but I can feel that it was solid. Even so, it's something that's stuck from the boat. So, I opened my big mouth and put it inside. Thank goodness it didn't snap. It was definitely something sturdy alright. This makes it look like I'm caught in their fishing line.

Now that I've caught on, I thought that I could just rest my tail and let the boat drag me right to their base. But, I was horribly wrong. The instant I relaxed my tail, yes, I was dragged by the boat, but if only I wasn't! The boat's speed clearly surpassed my max speed. I think it's even faster than when I ambush my prey. Its speed was definitely not something I was used to. It really surprised me. I nearly lost my balance and almost let go. So, I put strength in my tail once again and position myself. I didn't get to rest my body in the water along the way at all.

This was trickier than I thought. I needed to watch out if the boat turns and I have to turn with it. And, I also had to be extra careful not to break whatever I was grabbing hold off in my mouth. I still couldn't make out what it was though. Because of the constant bubbles blowing in my face, I couldn't clearly sense stuff with ripples. Which is sad, because... I'm in the open ocean now. It'd be nice if I could record the ripples of other animals while I'm here. That way, my search functions would have more variety and be more diverse. ...... ...... I talk as if my ripple senses are some kind of search engine. It's a shame though... because... we've arrived.

The boat starts to slow down. And, without the bubbles, I found out that I was in fact biting some kind of metallic chain that's stuck under the boat's stern. This makes me wonder... did those humans not notice that there's a chain stuck under their boat's stern, or did they leave it like this on purpose? Well, regardless, I should be thankful for this. But, the chain is bent now. I won't get charged now, will I? Or, don't tell me, they're gonna cut me up and sell my body parts to make up for the repairs? Noooo!! I can't let them find me!

Just as I was about to swim away, the humans get off the boat. I must've not realized it since I was too focused on the chain that I bent... but, it seems like we arrived at a pier. It's quite a long pier though, extending about 100 meters to sea. I heard footsteps coming this way. I hide beside the pier, completely submerged. I didn't dare put my eyes out of the water fearing that they might find me out, so my eyes remain open underwater, looking up. I covered my eyes with my transparent eyelid. This way, water can't enter my eyes.

Two men from the boat carry the injured woman away. They hurry to an ambulance that's waiting for them far ahead in mainland. The woman's injury must've been really severe. And, I think they already called the ambulance ahead of time, that's why it was waiting for them.

"You found her!"

A woman's voice is heard from above. It sounded... oddly familiar. I can't clearly see her face with the water waving around and distorting my view, but there's something about her that's making something stir inside me.

"Don't worry, ma'am. Your child is safely secured."

"Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried!"

So, it's the little girl's mother, then.

"Unfortunately, we never found the boat. And, there are still three people missing."

I'm guessing the dead man I found near the boat is one of them. There are still two more? I wonder...

"See? I told you we shouldn't have moved here in Australia!"

The girl's mother yelled at the man beside her. He must be her husband. Wait, more importantly... Australia?! I reincarnated as a crocodile in Australia?! Well, that explains the tropical weather...

"I'm sorry, Katie. I'll try to do something about it."

Huh? 'Katie'? Well, that sure brings me back. I remember I had a classmate named Catherine. She was my crush and the girl I couldn't confess to before my inevitable death and reincarnation. Her close friends also called her that nickname. But, this couldn't be her. This woman is a mother now and "Katie" is a pretty common name, so it's probably someone else.

"Hm? What's this?"

One of the men said, noticing the chain stuck under the boat. I back away and distance myself so he wouldn't notice me. Then, I saw Tiny perching right under the pier. Oh good, he's here too. Should I go over to him? I might accidentally startle him instead. Better wait for a chance.

The little girl's mother walks away and Tiny flies after them. I also swim after them, but then, the girl dropped her pendant.


Her pendant slips on the ground and falls in the water, sinking to the bottom.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hon. We'll get you a new one when we get back."

The girl continues to look depressed. I'd like to do something, but... how do I tell them I caught her pendant and return it to her without them freaking out? Maybe Tiny can help. I swim over to where Tiny is and reveal my bulging eyes out of the water. He jumped in surprise at first, but then immediately knew it was me and perched on my head. How could he tell it was me though? I thought he'd mistake me for another crocodile. Am I really that distinguishable?

With my eyes out of the water, I see the little girl's mom clearly now. And, this is just unbelievable. She looks nearly identical to the Catherine I know. I mean, when I look at her, I'm having this same feeling back then when I was still swooning over my crush. Is it really her? It couldn't be her mom because I already met her, and I didn't have the same giddy-giddy feeling I'm having. So, what does this mean? Don't tell me I... time-traveled to the future?!!

(I Died and got Reincarnated) My New Life as a Saltwater Crocodile BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now