Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    Mo Mo broke his head and didn't know why Li Qian wanted to be her boyfriend.

    Obviously don't like her, why can't you think about it?

    After a long time, Mo Mo came to a conclusion.

    Eighty percent of the time, Li Qian felt that she threatened someone he liked.

    So the one he likes... is it Shen Yiyi or Chen Han?

    No matter which one it is, it will be a difficult problem for Mo Mo in the future.

    This made her feel more and more that she still has a long way to go to continue the first place in the next exam.

    The good thing is that it is not difficult for her to be the first in the senior high school entrance examination.

    There is still a whole month before the next monthly exam. During this period, Mo Mo must be vigilant at all times. First, he must strictly prevent the contact between Li Qian and Shen Yiyi. Second, he must pay more attention to Li Qian's happiness value. The last point is to be more careful. Strive to be strong, and firmly sit on the first throne of the grade.

    The objective subject of mathematics, physics and chemistry is almost not difficult for Mo Mo, but Chinese and English are the ones that make her a little embarrassed.

    First of all, the answers to the subjective questions of Chinese will be somewhat different from the teacher's standard, and it is inevitable to lose points in this regard.

    Then there is English.

    In reality, Mo Mo has studied abroad for many years, and his practical ability to use English is very high, but the English for the domestic high school test differs from foreign education in some grammar and details, so Mo Mo sometimes chooses English multiple-choice questions or Cloze loses points.

    This is where she needs to strengthen her training at the moment.

    In addition to classes and self-study every day, Mo Mo, who worked hard, did not miss the time between classes.

    The third year of high school was busy with studies, and the school reserved one physical education class every week for the sake of the students' health.

    Seeing that the next lesson was PE class, Mo Mo was still lying on the table doing English exercises.

    Shen Yiyi pulled her arm: "Mo Mo, stop writing, there is no one in the classroom."

    Mo Mo looked up, and there was a word "body" on the class schedule.

    She dropped her pen and sighed, "I don't want to go to gym class."

    Shen Yiyi stood up and dragged Mo Mo out: "I don't like it either, I hate sports the most."

    Mo Mo actually likes sports, but at the moment At this critical juncture, she didn't want to waste time in gym class.

    But the course arrangement could not be changed, so the two had to go to the playground hand in hand.

    The physical education class in the third year of high school has always been a matter of life, and everyone is allowed to move freely by doing some warm-up exercises symbolically.

    But the physical education teacher of class 1 just took a leave of absence this week. The male teacher who came to replace the class is said to be a former soldier, and he has particularly high requirements on students' physical fitness.

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