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I start laughing uncontrollably, my body is numb, I can't feel my limbs.

Rèva is a private detective and if you must know she is the best of the best. She is filthy rich, not anyone can afford her. She doesn't track cheating husbands or that sort of stuff. She helped the police a couple of times.

Once, this little boy disappeared. Jamie Silmond, the heir of one of the most powerful oil companies in America. The police were ready to give up after a few days. The person who took him didn't want a ransom, they left no trace, there was no motive, no lead. The mother, Sarah Silmond came to Rèva's office, desperate. She offered her a million dollars. It took Rèva two days and a half to find the boy. Turns out it was just a deranged woman who had just lost her son and ... wanted a new one. She didn't even know how powerful his family were. So if Rèva is saying that someone wants me dead, I have every reason to believe her. But why ? Why me ?

I have written nearly twenty books and half of them were thrillers. I know about murder, I know about torture, I know about absurd plots. But nothing in my life was giving out a motive for me to die.

- Come on Rèva, you just want to spook me, I answer finally with hope in my voice. Why would anybody want to kill me ?

She sighs, a long sigh, the one of someone who has years of tiredness on their shoulders, and she looks at me with her sad grey eyes in which I suddenly want to crawl into, gently. I want the feeling of her skin, and her deep voice murmuring in my ear that it's just a joke.

- Sadly Bee this isn't a joke. And it's not only you they're after. Your wife is on top of the list. I'm almost certain she didn't tell you this but she has received threats during her campaign.

- She's campaigning to be MAYOR not President ! I exclaim. Of a fucking small city. What threats could she have received ? Is this because she's a lesbian ? Is it just that ? Homophobia ?

- You know I wouldn't worry you if it was that type of idle stuff. You know my work. And you know I've been keeping tabs on you. Now, the man she's running against, Robert Talbot ? He's a drug kingpin. But no one knows about this. Your wife uses your prizes' money for her campaign, and he's laundering drug money through his. But your wife seems to be winning, and it would be really bad for his business. It would put a major hole in his schemes. Oh and it's not just drugs too, it's whatever he can put his hands on : guns, art, even ... girls.

She pauses with a disgusted look on her face. I am in total shock. This cannot be happening to me. I'm not in one of my books, I'm in real life and suddenly all the shits from heavens is dropping into my lap. And Rèva is keeping tabs on me ???


Yes. I'm talking about my wife.

- I don't know if I should thank you Rèva, for spying on me for over two years, or smack the shit out of you.

She giggles and I slap her right across the face.


- Okay fair enough. You don't have to hit me Ambrosia I'm trying to protect you. But you can't tell her any of this.

- Why ? I ask, angrily. You told me !

- As you said, she is stupid. If you tell her she will try to go public with the intel i gave you to destroy her opponent and shit will go south.

Of course. I am the one that has to deal with her bullshit. It would have been easy if she was loosing but nooo she found a REAL interest for politics. I always found it absurd and now she was putting my life in danger. What if we has kids ? For fucks sake, I was financing the bloody campaign - and bloody it is, factually.

- I see what you mean... how do I deal with this Rèv ? Could I just divorce her ? I've been thinking of it for a while actually.

- So you would be okay with letting her being murdered ? You're better than that Ambrosia you and I know that. Plus if you divorce her she will get half of everything you own, and that means the revenues for your books. And maybe even the royalties to the movie...

- Hold on, hold on, what movie ?

Rèva took her innocent face I used to love so much and put her hand over her mouth like she said a bad word.

- Shit this was supposed to be a surprise... she tells me, embarrassed. You remember Trains and Wrecks ?

- The third book I wrote and you were obsessed with even though it was one of my worst ? How could I forget. They want to make a movie out of it ?

Now she looks like a child who just broke a vase.

- I ... pulled some strings, she says, almost whispering. It's supposed to happen next year. You will receive the Big Call from Hollywood next month if everything goes right.

My jaw drops to the floor. Now I'm impressed and not even thinking about the Sword of Damocles hanging over mine and Rebecca's neck.

A movie.

- Well then everything is handled, isn't it ? I can just wait for next month, tell the big news to Rebecca and she will drop her stupid campaign and move to Los Angeles with me !

- You might not be alive next month. You need to handle this now !!! They want to make it look like a murder suicide.

- I'm not even gonna ask how you know that. You are a well of information you know that Rèva ? You know that ?

- You sound erratic. Stop it. You have to play it like everything is normal.

- Wow so I don't hear from you for two years and suddenly you drop a shit load of information on my lap and on top of that you're telling me how to act. That's so you.

Secretly I was starting to think how much I missed her, how incredible the sex was between us, how much she would make my head turn and how much I lusted for her even now. But I was angry. And scared. And surprised, all at once. So Rèva could go fuck herself if I care.

- Get over yourself sweetie, she said, caressing my back. I'm trying to help you. You need to get a leash on this wife of yours, I don't want to investigate your murder. I will see you every other day to keep you updated and make you feel safe. In the meantime try to relax and get her to drop the campaign.

She smells like hot cocoa and strawberries, her curls are moving like they are dancing. Her skin is silky smooth, like caramel that desperately wants to be licked. I lean in and before I know what I'm doing my lips are on hers, soft, tasty. She's wearing a Fenty gloss, I lick her lips clean. She moans a bit, then bites my lower lip but then gets up suddenly and smiles.

- You know I missed you but I don't get tangled with married women. See you soon honey Bee.

And just like that she leaves.

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