We Are Bulletproof

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Anna couldn't wait for when BTS would finally reveal their next comeback. Along with ARMYs all around the world, she knew that they were working on a new album but had no idea when it would be released.

Now they were in Las Vegas and her soulmates were all working on secret projects which even Anna wasn't sure whether it was to do with their album, their individual mixtapes, or both. Either way, due to her wanting to preserve the surprise as a fan, she was currently exploring the city by herself.

The boys had insisted she take security, so she had a driver and protection while out of about. Anna had thought it was a little overboard, but her soulmates said that she obviously didn't realise how recognisable she was now.

Anna had been a bit lost as to where to go on her days out. Usually, she was someone who did a lot of research before going somewhere, but she'd had a lot on her mind recently as well as not a lot of free time.

While she had excepted the bodyguard - as truthfully, she didn't really want to go out alone - Anna had forgone a disguise. Her theory was that wearing a mask and hat would be more inconspicuous for her than just blending in. And for the first few days, her theory proved correct.

One day after lunch the pair were taking a bathroom break. Anna was waiting outside for her bodyguard who had given her strict instructions not to move. The two had gone from strangers to being friendly, but the guard took her security very seriously which stopped them from becoming friends.

She was people-watching when Anna noticed that she was getting some curious looks. Keeping an eye on them she noticed more than one group form of people who kept glancing her way and even pointing. Trying to keep calm, she wondered what was taking her bodyguard so long and hoped he came out soon.

It all happened so fast. Once cameras appeared, Anna tried to go back into the bathroom to hide, but she found her way blocked before she could. By the questions they were shouting at her she guessed that they were paparazzi. The flashing lights and noise from their shouting made her panic and as soon as she saw a clear path, she made a run for it.

Anna had never been so grateful for her fitness regime. As a child she had been quite a good runner, taking part in a school cross country race once, but sports had never appealed to her. She was more of a creative than an athlete. However, thanks to her training it was almost too easy for her to outrun the crowd that was following her.

She could hardly remember the last time she had run like this -not on a treadmill. It was almost freeing. At some point, she stopped and after checking she had lost them, laughed in exhilaration. That was until she looked around and realised, she had no idea where she was.

Anna wandered along the street looking for a landmark or something she could use to tell security where she was. As soon as she got her phone out it started ringing.

"Where are you?"

"I'm okay but I'm not sure where I am, yet."

"What happened?"

"I got spotted and suddenly I was surrounded by reporters."

"In the bathroom?"

"I, um, was waiting for you outside..."



"Do you see anything that could help me find you? Any street signs?"


Anna looked around and did her best to describe where she was. The bodyguard used that information to work out which direction he should start going.

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