Getting Ready For The Date

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Damon was so excited to spend time with his boyfriend this evening. This evening will be filled fun and romance, the two things that Damon loves. Anything would be good as long as it was with Kai. Damon never thought that them two hated each other when they first met in the prison world would draw them closer in love but, he was happy that they both could put their differences behind and get along. Now, they are boyfriends and deeply in love. That is all that mattered to Damon.

Damon walked into his bathroom and turned on the shower. The room quickly started flooding with steam as Damon got undressed to shower. With his clothes on the floor and no longer on his body, he picks them up and places them into the laundry basket and then stepped into the shower and instantly started singing as the hot water splattered off of his body. While he is singing, he reaches for his shower gel and squirts it into his hand and then massaged it through his hair and all over his body, making sure he doesn't miss a patch of hair or his skin.

"La la la."

Damon sung as he let the shower gel drain off of his hair and his body, running his hand through his hair and all over his body as it did.

After about 10 minutes in the shower, Damon turns the water off and steps out with a towel around his waist. He walks into his room and starts to dry himself with the towel, using his vampire speed to quicken the process. 'Why go slow when he can go fast.?' He thought. After a few seconds, he was dry. The heat in his room help the process too.

Damon goes to his draws and opens it.

"What should I wear?"

Damon said to himself as he looks at his clothes, trying to decide what to choose. He realised that Kai wouldn't really care what he wears. He told Damon that anything he wears, he always looks good in, so, Damon pulled out a pair of socks, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a grey shirt. He takes them over to his bed and starts dressing himself. He then puts on his boots and walks to his mirror to sort his hair out. He couldn't stop staring at himself once he was done.

"I look hot, as usual."

Damon said in a deep voice with a grin.

The door opened. Kai walked in. He had already gotten ready before but Damon didn't see him yet. Kai was wearing grey skinny jeans and a blue shirt with his boots.

"Wow! You look hot babe." Damon said, surprised at how sexy Kai looked.

"I know. But you should look at yourself, stud." Kai said as he grinned.

"I already know. I was just admiring myself in the mirror." Damon cutely grinned. He walks over to Kai and gives him a kiss. Kai slowly wrapped his arms around Damon and passionately kissed him back. After a few seconds, they both pull away with a smile.

"Shall we get going?" Kai said as he holds his arm out.

"Yes we should." Damon spoke as he links his arm around Kai's arm.

They both head outside. They both wanted to get drunk tonight so they ditched the car and decided to walk to the restaurant. It was only a few blocks away and the bar is a few minutes from the restaurant itself. They both enjoyed the cool air.

Damon's Date Night AccidentWhere stories live. Discover now