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MIYOKO WAS TIRED TO say the least.

"Keisuke! Takeru!" Miyoko yelled for her brother and his best friend. "Let's go, Keisuke! I'm tired! And, we have to wait for your mom at the gates, Takeru!"

"Huhhhhh?!" Both boys whined. "But, it's still so early!"

Miyoko slumped back into her seat. She had hoped they wouldn't notice, after all they're just kids, how smart could they be?

Apparently, she was wrong.

She had underestimated their obsession with volleyball.

Miyoko was there to pick up her brother and since she did that so often, she had become acquainted with his best friend and his mom.

"Oneesan!" Keisuke and Takeru ran up to her. "You promised us you'd teach her more about receiving!"

Oh, that's right. She had forgot about that.

"Ah, leave me alone, guys." Miyoko complains, as she goes back to closing her eyes, hiding herself underneath her Karasuno High Volleyball Club jacket.

Miyoko might not be good at anything related to playing volleyball, but the only thing she could do, very well, might she add, was receiving. She didn't know how, or when she even got this good.

"Oneesan!" Keisuke whines.

"You always tell us that." Takeru adds.

"You're so lazy!" Keisuke complains.

"Heh!" Miyoko gets out from under her jacket, an appalled expression on her face. "Who are you calling lazy, you brat?! I'll kick your ass!"

"I called you lazy, so what?!" Keisuke yells back. "It's a fact." He shows her his finger, as if he was an adult who was scolding her. "You're lazy, you procrastinate, you only think about food and how cute Sugawara-Senpai is, and you never teach us how to receive!"

Miyoko's jaw dropped.

"You better start running, you stupid brat." Miyoko warns, and Keisuke's eyes widen. "Because I'm about to show you how to receive a beating!"

With that the two siblings started running all around the court. Nobody really cared about that though, it was a common occurrence there.

Takeru just watched them from his spot, looking done with their bullshit.

Miyoko chased after her brother, who ran towards the exit.

As her brother ran past the person who was entering the gym, by going under their arm, Miyoko could not do such a thing, unfortunately.

TRUE LOVE!     Oikawa ToruWhere stories live. Discover now