Chapter 8

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: bad blood by Taylor Swift 

Harlows pov 

I wake up with a pounding head, hangover. Ahhhh shit why did I have to drink. I fully open my eyes and sit up. omg. did I get kidnapped. The memories of last night start flooding through my mind like a waterfall.



I'm at logan's place. That somehow settles me a bit before I remember about my grandparents and I rush to my phone to call her. It's not until I grab my pager that I notice the asprin and water and quickly take it before reaching into my purse and paging  my grandmother that I had to go to Madelyn's place to help her with her homework before school. 

I read the note by the now empty glass and I walk out of the large room and into the long ass hallway. Jeez. This makes the Kardahions look poor. I knock on the door across from the rooms and here a come in. I walk in and see an even larger room and a logan on the bed with a book in hand

"Hey sleeping beauty." Logan says with a shit eating grin. 

"Hey Cinderella." I say with an even larger grin. 

"You want some breakfast? I'm starving." He says and just then his stomach growls. God damn. 

"Do you have a dog in here or something?" I ask jokingly.

"I could eat one." He says with a smirk and starts walking to the door and I chuckle lightly before following him back into the large ass hallway. 

 We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Do you know how to cook anything?" He asks me facing the stove probably just now realizing that he can't cook for shit. 

"No. Do you?" 

"No, let's just figure it out." 

"That's just like how I like things." I say and go and look in the pantry for something for breakfast. I then spot it. My favorite meal ever. I take out the pancake mix and put it on the counter. 

"Your a pancakes girl huh?" HE asks. 

"Of course I am. Who likes eggs? Like sometimes I'm eating eggs and then I remember that I'm eating eggs." 

He grabs a glass bowl from the cabinet and gets out measuring spoons and cups. I open the bag of mix and put some mix in the bowl. 

"I know you didn't want to talk about it last night but why were you so upset last night? You don't have to answer or anything just wondering. " He asks stirring the mix with water. 

"No, it's fine. I got into this huge fight with my mom. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but it is because my mom has only recently came into my life. And that's only because she wanted to get my twin sister into my school but she needs my grandparents money to do this. She didn't care when I got into Chilton. She didn't care that I got on the cheer team. She didn't care about my paintings. She didn't care she left me behind taking my twin but leaving me. She didn't care about me."

'Harlow..." Logan says trying to cut me off from my rant. 

"When I was younger I always thought that there was some big great reason she left me. But their wasn't. I'm just not good enough for her and I never will be." I say not realizing I'm crying until Logan puts the pad on his thumb on my cheek to wipe my tears. 

"Harlow. I need you to listen to me and listen good. I don't know you but from what I have gathered your mother doesn't deserve you. She's not good enough for you not the other way around." He says and pulls me into a hug and I pull away first. 

"Thanks for this logan I needed this. Now, how about those pancakes." I say smiling and turning on the stove and put the pan it buttering it. 

"So, wanna play 20 questions?" Logan asks. 

"Sure, I'll start. favorite color?" I asks him starting off with the most basic question in the world.

"Blue. Now that we have the most basic question out I'll ask one. How old were you when you has your first kiss?" He asks me. 

"I was like 11 or 12 all I remember I was in 6th grade and it was a game of spin the bottle and we thought we were so cool. I'm still friends with him his name is Alex." 

"Mine was with some random girl in 6th grade too. She just walked up to me and kissed me. Collin and Finn were each other and it was like yours a game of spin the bottle. Everyone told them to skip it but them being them kissed each other, Thinking back on it they were being kind of homophobic." He says laughing a bit at the memory. 

"Ok next question. Worst thing you've done?" 

"One time me, Collin and Finn stole everything from this teachers confiscated drawer and then went through his desk and we found a box of condoms and left a note on the desk saying they were pregnant." He says and I burst out laughing him following. " Worst thing you've done?"  

"Well I havn't really done anything that bad the usual sneaking boys in and well stuff like last night." 

"Well well We shall corrupt you now." He says smirking. 

"How did you guys meet anyway?" I ask him.

"We met at boarding school in 6th grade and we just kind of clicked. Collin and Finn were friends since 3rd grade their, parents were friends and they were best friends and their parents sent them to the same boarding school." 

"Boarding school huh? My grandparent would never. Change the would to could.' I say laughing. 

"My parents would never take care of me. My only job is to take over the Huntzberger newspaper magnet. Change the would to could."

"Wow. Using my own phrases what a copy cat. Next thing I know you'll be a cheerleader at Chilton." I say laughing at the thought." I can see it You being thrown around by cheerleader should be easy I mean you kind of sound like a girl." I say laughing harder. I'm so funny.

"Oh your going to get it." He says and starts chasing me. The only sound in the quiet house is the echo of our laughing.

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