The Robin They All Missed.

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Clark looked at Red Hood who now stood infront of them. He didn't have his helmet on.

Clark realized that he has never seen the man without his helmet. The white streak of hair in front amused him. But that wasn't what was bothering him.

The young man looked vaguely familiar. Someone he used to know. Someone he missed.


Everyone was startled to hear Red Hood calling Batman by his name and the fact that Bruce didn't resist when the man embraced him in a tight hug.

"Oww. I forgot I was hurt" Jason said as he pulled back from his mentor.

"Why are you here?" Bruce enquired in a calm voice as he held the younger male from stumbling down.

"I woke up and I couldn't find you. Dickie bird said you're here" Jason said and smiled sheepishly.

And then a rare phenomena happened. Batman smiled and his eyes relaxed. Barry felt so spooked out by the sight that he sped across the room to go hide behind Wonder Woman.

"Bruce..." Clark started,but was cut off by the sudden outburst from Jason.

"Clark?! OhmygodIdidn'tseeyouthere! I missed you soooo much!" Jason squealed as he ran towards Clark and hugged him.

Clark wanted to push him away. But the smiling faces of Nightwing And Batman stopped him from doing so.

"Whoa whoa, How the hell do you know their civilian names?" Ollie was losing his patience.

"Ollie is so rude" Jason said and put on a pout, crossing his arms. That left everyone confused.

Just who is this guy to know everyone in here?!

"You were so much nicer to me when I was younger"

"Hey, first, stop acting like you know me. Second, who the hell are you?" Ollie yelled out in frustration. But he couldn't ignore the fact that the guy looked so familiar.

Bruce sighed and decided to put a stop to all the mess.

"Dick, why don't you take Jason back to the cave?"

"I don't wanna gooooooo"

"Fine. Then take him to the medbay in the watchtower. I'm sure he ripped a few stitches"

When Dick walked away with his brother, Bruce too turned and started to walk away.

"W-wait. Did you just call him... Jason?" Clark asked wondering if he misheard Bruce.

"Yes" After a moment, Bruce muttered out.

Clark still couldn't believe it. He wanted to make sure. "As in Jason... Todd?"


The man in the dark cloak walked away with a grunt.

Clark looked at the rest of the team. The same look of disbelief he had, etched in their faces too.

He was sure the Red Hood was Jason Todd. That is why the man looked so familiar. But how? He was...Dead.


Clark remembered the happy young boy who jumped on his back everytime he visited the manor. "Uncle Clark, Fly me around!" He used to say. And he remembered the boy stumbling over, wearing Clark's thick spectacles. He remembered the boy imitating him by wearing a hat and walking around saying "Clark Kent from Daily Planet".

He remembered the boy's funeral. The way Bruce stopped pulling his punches after that. How he himself had missed the young boy. How he stopped visiting the manor as he felt a void that would never be filled.

But now he was here. All grown up. A drug lord. A criminal. He tried to kill Bruce.

It doesn't make any sense. Clark wish this was a dream. A nightmare.


Ollie remembered how his good friend Bruce Wayne brooded inside the manor after the death of his son, Jason Todd.

He had met the boy at a few occassions. And from what he knew, he was a sweet boy. A perfect predecessor of his big brother. He liked to tease others though. But he knew it was hard to be such a good kid as he grew up in the streets. So, he had respect for the boy.

Then he died. And Bruce stopped being himself. He stopped going out as Bruce Wayne. The only time he went out of the manor was at night, as the dark cloaked vigilante. It was hard to watch.

But what the hell happened in between? How was this young man the dead son of Batman? This is no fairy tale. You can't just die and come back like nothing happened.

He was so confused.


Barry and Diana haven't really met Jason before. But they knew of him from the stories Clark and Ollie told them. The good kid with whose death Batman went rogue.

But isn't this the same person who tried to kill Batman?

Their head hurt from thinking too much.


All of these thoughts hammered in their minds. Only one way to find the answers they seek.


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