You Are Not My Dad

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The Justice League, minus the Martian, had nothing interesting to do. Their leader was out patrolling his city. Green Lantern was patrolling space and Aquaman was in Atlantis.Since they had nothing else to do, they decided to watch Batman fight the goons. They all went and settled before the large monitor and assessed the Gotham Surviellence cams.

There he was in his dark cape, fighting with grace. There were atleast a hundred of them goons. Clark worried if his best friend would need a hand. He looked at the others and he could say they worried the same too. But knowing Batman, it would be the end of them if they even tried stepping into his city, simply because it's his city. Afterall, he is the Batman. What's a hundred goons to him? So they simply sat back and watched.

Looks like he was breaking up some large scale drug deal.

Everyone was startled when they heard gunshots. Sure, Batman wore kevlar and he's dealt with guns before. But when a man in a leather jacket and a red helmet for a head came into view, The leaguers wondered if they should Really go help the caped crusader.

It was the Red Hood.

Even the baddies of Gotham fear him. He controlled almost every drug deal in Gotham. Worst, he has tried to kill Batman multiple times and has actually hurt him at occassions. Not to ignore the fact that the guy's got Batman-level training. He moves around with the grace of Batman himself.

They didn't think twice. All four of them rushed to the zeta tubes.


The four heroes- Superman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman and The Flash rushed to where Batman was, once they were in Gotham.

They arrived at the docks to see The Red Hood furiously shooting at.... The goons? They looked at Batman and he was on the other side fighting.


"Those better be Rubber bullets." Batman growled at the Red Hood.

"Yep" Hood rolled his eyes.

In no time the bats were standing back-to-back in a fighting stance.

That is when Red Hood saw them- the confused members of the Justice League.

"Aw, You brought friends?"

Batman looked at where Red Hood pointed and his eyes narrowed. "What are you doing in my city?" He growled.

"You are friends with a criminal?" Green Arrow asked, already reaching out for an arrow from his quiver.

"Ouch" Hood said in  mock hurt. "I'm more friends with him than any o--AARGH!"

Red Hood was cut off by a sharp pain he felt in his abdomen. He fell down with a thud.

"Hood!" Batman rushed to his side as the younger male clutched his bleeding side.

Batman turned his head to see the shooter knocked out in Clark's arm. Batman called for the Batmobile.

"Hey, stay calm. I'm gonna take you to the Batcave." Eventhough it came out as a growl, Batman's voice was filled with heavy concern. Hood was losing a lot of blood and Batman couldn't help but worry.

"S-stop ord'ring, B. Y're not my dad" Hood managed to smirk as he somehow muttered out. Batman glared at him.

"Wait, are you just going to take him to the Batcave?!" Green Arrow asked, only to go unanswered. He threw his hand in the air and gasped.

"Batman, you can't just let someone like him into your cave. You can't trust him, he is a crim--"

Diana was cut off by an infamous bat glare.

"I trust him more than I do any of you" He said as he settled Red Hood into the Batmobile which revved infront of them. Red hood smirked and shot a flying kiss at the shell-shocked Leaguers.

The Justice Leaguers watched with open mouths as the Batmobile sped it's way into the darkness.

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