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Alex pulled into a gravel driveway leading up to a sprawling house overlooking the bay. Meredith jumped out and walked towards the house.

"You guys get the gear; I'm putting these babies in the safe. Meet you outside by the fire." Meredith called over her shoulder.

Alex climbed out and helped Mark carry the bags into the back yard.

Going into the kitchen Meredith pulled a six pack of beer out of the fridge before going outside. Mark, Alex and Callie were circled around the barrel, but as she drew closer she noticed they were all staring at Mark with worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on?" Meredith asked giving everyone a beer.

"My gloves are not here." Mark told her quietly opening his drink and turning to look out at the lake.

"I'm sorry the alarm that Callie didn't turn off must have damaged my hearing. Cause I know you didn't just say you lost your gloves tonight!" Meredith looked at Mark with anger on her face.

"Meredith I don't know what happened, they aren't here, and they aren't in the truck." Mark looked down trying to remember. Mark looks back up at Meredith with a terrified look. "What am I going to do?"

Meredith looks at her brother and sighing to try to keep her cool. "I'm going back. You are going to stay here sitting on your pretty little ass while I fix your mess and bail out your ass as always."

"What Meredith you can't!" Alex exclaims.

"I have to Alex. If the cops find them and Mark goes down we all go down. We all live in the same fucking house. If you find Mark's gloves call me otherwise I'm going back." Meredith turns and walks away from the group.

She gets in her BMW Z4 Roadster, pulling quickly out of the driveway. When Meredith gets back to the jewelry store; she circles the block twice to make sure the police are gone before pulling into a back alley, hiding her car between the buildings. When Meredith steps out of the car she pulls on a pair of gloves, after pulling her hair up into a ponytail. She glances around quickly before making her way to the back door.

With quick movements she cuts the power to the store, the door opens easily and Meredith slips inside. She follows the same path they used earlier that night. When she reaches the roof she crouches beside the air vent where Mark dropped his tools. She reaches for the release opening the cover. She shines her light down the shaft; she is ready to give up when she spots the familiar sheen of leather hiding in one of the foot holes. Leaning into the large shaft, Meredith grabs the gloves. After pulling herself up she sees the gloves and smiles. Rolling her eyes she stands up after fixing everything to cover her tracks, and she starts walking across the roof. She turns the corner of the building, but drops down.

"Shit." She mumbles as she sees a car drive up.

❗️Disclaimer ❗️
I didn't write this story all credits goes to "The_sloan_method" from the board "Surgical Language" site tapatalk.
Published 2008

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